My Wife is the Pirate Empress

Chapter 847:

"Did you just think that the lightning that hit you was a unicorn???" Blood Song said disdainfully, "Tell you, it\'s just the fur of a unicorn. Or do you think you can really escape Thunder? Kirin???"

"Escape! You must escape." Wu finally knew how terrible Blood Song was. It was really unwise to be an enemy of such a guy. From Wu\'s point of view, the black wings behind him flapped and he wanted to escape from here.

"Escape? Do you think you can really escape??" Seeing Wu who was about to escape, Blood Song\'s eyes were taken aback, and he said sternly.

Ha ha ha! I can\'t beat you, can\'t I still escape? ? ? Wu\'s heart smiled coldly. How could he say that they were all ghosts from the Warring States Period, how could they not even be able to escape? ? ?

Wu was about to leave, and above the black billowing clouds, thunder and lightning neighed, and thousands of thunder and lightning bombed down.

"How can it be!!"

Wu realized that the thousands of thunder and lightning were actually heading towards Wu. This made Wu\'s eyes show a shocked look. How much control of the lightning attributes could he achieve this? ??

This is simply not something that ordinary people can do.

But Blood Song did it. Thousands of thunder and lightning bombarded the enlightened ** at the same time.

"what"! Under the neighing thunder and lightning, Wu finally fell into the air.

Immediately, Wu\'s huge body hit the ground fiercely, and the smoke billowed for a while. And Blood Song walked up step by step.

"What do you think now??" Standing in front of Wu, Blood Song said lightly. Wu\'s strength is very strong, but Blood Song is very confident in his strength

"What? How?" Wu coldly snorted. He didn\'t expect him to be so unlucky. He had been trapped in the dark world of the box of bliss for so many years, and he originally thought he could be cool in the Ninja World after he came out.

Unexpectedly, the handsome did not succeed, but was severely injured? ? ?

"I came to you this time, the purpose is very simple, I want to devour you."

"What???" Hearing the words of Blood Song, Wu was completely shocked. Is there any mistake, the other party actually wants to swallow himself. He has always been the only one to devour other people, but today is someone coming to devour him? ? ? ?

Chapter 829 Naruto Chapter 110 The Opening of the Plot

Chapter 829 Naruto Chapter 110 The Opening of the Plot

The opening of Naruto Chapter 110 plot

Xuege walked up step by step, and finally stood in front of Wu, and then stretched out his palm to Wu.


Listening to the song of blood, when I read these two words, Wu suddenly wanted to laugh! Are you kidding me? Will I be devoured by others if I devour others? ? ?


The next moment, a vortex appeared above the palm of Blood Song, and the vortex swept by the airflow suddenly vortexed again, and it turned out to be rubbing out thunder and lightning.

And that terrible suction came from the palm of the self-blooded singer in amazement, Wu\'s pupils couldn\'t help widening at this moment, and he was completely dumbfounded.

"how come???"

"How could this be????"

Wu felt the power in the body, a trace of it was absorbed by the blood song. It was originally a trace of chakra, but then the suction on the palm of the blood singer became stronger, and the trace of suction gradually became a wave of powerful. suction.

"Do not!"

In the end, Wu\'s entire figure was also sucked into the wind tunnel in the palm of the blood singer.

"How is it? Have you reached Chaoying yet?" Konoha Baiya walked over and asked.

Hearing that, the blood song chuckled, what is this kidding? How can you become a super shadow so easily? ? ? He must spend more time to fully integrate the power of enlightenment.

Immediately, Blood Song took Konoha and Bai Fang, and Bai left the Ghost Lantern City. The goal of the blood song now is to have the power that can match Uzumaki Nagato before the Naruto story officially begins.

"Ding, congratulations on completing the task and gaining the power of the box of bliss."

"Ding, congratulations on getting the system rewards. Another kaleidoscope writing round eyes has the power of supernatural power and Amaterasu"

Time always passed slowly without knowing it. In a blink of an eye, it finally reached the twelve-year-old Uzumaki Naruto, and Blood Song had been calculating the time secretly. He knew the original "Naruto" The plot finally officially kicked off.

This is Konoha Village, a small village that looks very peaceful.

"Ahahahaha." A blonde boy kept scribbling on the Hokage Rock with paint in his hand, smearing the Naruto who had legendary stories in the past, so terrible.

The villagers next to Hokage Rock looked at Uzumaki Naruto in disgust. In the past twelve years, their aversion to Naruto Uzumaki can be said to be deeply ingrained.

"Naruto, what are you doing??? How can you offend the great Naruto of the past??"

A ninja roared and rushed towards Naruto. The name of this ninja is Umino Iluka. Iruka’s family was originally happy and harmonious, but Konoha’s Kyuubi Rebellion broke a family’s happy life. Iruka witnessed the sacrifice of both Shangren’s parents to protect the village.

For Uzumaki Naruto, Iruka was also disgusted. But then it turns out that Naruto is a poor child just like him. Naruto likes to cause trouble because he wants others to notice him.

"Well, how is it? How is it? I dare to paint on Hokage Rock, but you dare not do it." Naruto Uzumaki laughed for a while.

But Naruto Uzumaki\'s skill was not even at the level of Shinobi, and in the blink of an eye, he was firmly **** by Iluka with a rope.

Above the Hokage Rock, the third generation Sarutobi looked at the Uzumaki Naruto who was dragged away by Iruka, and the third generation sighed involuntarily, and thought to himself, "It seems that he has not inherited the temperament of the wave of water and gentlemanly. what."

Then the three generations of Sarutobi unknowingly remembered the blood song again. How far has this previously enchanted young man grown up now? ? ?

"No matter where you grow up, you won\'t have any chance of defeating me before my ghouls are sealed." Third generation Sarutobi\'s old fist clenched again.

...I\'m the hateful dividing line... Yurenin Village, this is an extremely closed existence, and it has been even more closed over the years. There is no social interaction with other countries. Akatsuki has no longer become other Shinin villages in recent years. The mercenaries and the members of Akatsuki\'s organization are practicing secretly, secretly strong.

Outside of Yunin Village! The thick forest that was originally thick is now full of pits and pits, as if some terrible battle is going on. In the woods, the three figures are constantly beating.

"Damn, I didn\'t expect to be so powerful that my sword can\'t keep up with his speed." Konoha Baiya looked around closely, but found nothing.

"Yeah, this guy is so fast." Xiao Nan also stood aside and snorted squeamishly.

"No, actually my speed is not fast." Suddenly, the figure of Blood Song has appeared between Konoha White Fang and Xiao Nan.

What? Konoha White Fang, Xiao Nan couldn\'t help being surprised.

"Chidori flow"!

The terrible thunder and lightning surged on Xuege\'s body, and then electrically conductive from the ground, and headed towards Xiaonan, Konoha White Fang.

"Paper escape." Xiao Nan turned into sheets of paper and avoided. On the other hand, Konoha White Fang was holding the sharp blade firmly, resisting the thunder and lightning attack of Blood Song!

"Okay, I resisted it." Konoha White Fang, who resisted the Chidoryu, breathed a sigh of relief, but was exhausted and fell slowly.

"You defeated White Fang, but you didn\'t defeat me." The paper condensed into Xiao Nan again in the air, and the red lips and small mouth smiled slightly.


Suddenly, the voice of the blood song rang from behind Xiao Nan, what? Xiao Nan turned his head in a daze.