My Wife is the Pirate Empress

Chapter 640:

Blood Song and Kikyo came here on the demon horse\'s flame hoof. When they got off the horse, Kikyo\'s face was involuntarily red, like a cute apple.

Light platycodons, blushing is rare. This is also called Blood Song could not help but ask, "What\'s the matter? Blushing??"

"Shameless"! Kikyo glared at Blood Song immediately.

Riding on the same horse, Blood Song, in the eyes of Kikyo, is a flower picking thief.

The blood song laughed, and when there was no more to say, at this time, the blood song also displayed the domineering look and experience! In this wasteland mountain, Blood Song felt a lot of demon power, needless to say, it should be the demon wolf clan!

Demon wolf tribe, this is the most powerful demon tribe in the Southern Kingdom!

Speaking of demon power, the strongest is the northern country!

Southland should be the last!

The Eastern Kingdom is a world where the human race is contending for hegemony, but there are also many monsters. During the Tang Dynasty, there was a monk who actually wanted to go to the westernmost part of the Western Kingdom to obtain a volume of Buddhist scriptures. Along the way, the monsters of the Eastern Kingdom came out!

And what happened in that era? ? Rumor has it that during the Tang Dynasty in the Eastern Kingdom, gods and demons still existed.

But after the Tang Dynasty, the Protoss fell, leaving only a little dragon blood on Xuege\'s body.

And the demons disappeared, and now there is only a monster like Naraku left!


Just as Blood Song and Kikyo were looking for a big wood suitable for building Higurashi Shrine, a voice calling for help suddenly came not far away.

"Let\'s go take a look." Kikyo made a decisive decision and walked towards the source of the sound.

Blood Song also followed, and the demon horse Yanhu followed Blood Song.

In the wilderness mountain, in a tree hole, a little girl, wearing white clothes, tied with two cute pigtails, holding calamus flowers in her hands, is shivering in that tree hole, her eyes are full of fear The color.

Her name is Changpu, the granddaughter of the elder of the Demon Wolf tribe!

And just above the big tree in the tree hole where she was, there was a bird hovering! It is a bird with a human body but a huge head!

It looks very weird!

In the next moment, the demon bird discovered the location of the calamus and dashed towards the calamus!

"Arrow of Demon Breaking"!

At this moment, the blood song is going to be shot, it is too late!

On the other hand, Platycodon grandiflorum sent out a demon-breaking arrow, and the feather arrow turned into a dazzling light, and it collided with the monster bird! Suddenly the demon bird was purified, turned into light, and disappeared in this space.

Changpu also noticed the blood song at this moment. The first thing she noticed was the blood song, because she was originally from the demon wolf clan, and she had never seen the blood song of the West Kingdom, but she had also learned about the portrait!

At this moment, Changpu couldn\'t help but smile, and walked up towards the blood song step by step! I don’t know why Changpu feels that Blood Song is so close!

Of course, Blood Song was aware of this.

Is it possible to say in my heart, "Is my dragon bloodline has no effect at all, but can it attract all the women of the monster clan???"

Thinking of this, Blood Song could only smile in his heart.

"Thank you, big brother." Changpu walked to the front of Blood Song and said.

With Kikyo\'s pretty face on the side, the yoga class became cold! God, what is this called? It\'s me who saves people!

Kikyo also noticed that Changpu is a monster, but Kikyo\'s attitude has also changed at this moment. Among the monsters, there must be kind monsters.

At this time, when Blood Song was about to speak, a figure suddenly came to this side, and quickly attacked Blood Song.

"Let go of the calamus and spare you not to die."

The tone is full of arrogance. Blood Song glanced at the other party, and also understood who the other party was!

"Name: Steel Teeth"!

"Monster: 67"!

"Character profile, personality: single-minded to feelings; loyal to brothers and clansmen; relatively simple. Hairstyle: black ponytail, pupil color: water blue, clothing: the fur of the deceased wolf clan partner; armor, the person he likes : Kagome; Changpu. People who like him: Changpu

The leader of the demon wolf clan has an impulsive personality, simple but very loyal. Because the jade of the four souls met Inuyasha and the group, they dealt with Naraku together. Like Kagome, the weapon is five thunder fingers.

The young leader of the demon wolf clan, he leads the tribe separated from his ancestors. The tribe is also called the demon wolf young master. He is a monster who dared to say that he likes Kagome and often provokes Inuyasha. The relationship with Inuyasha can almost be called It\'s evil fate. ""

Watching the opponent attack towards him, the figure of Blood Song just got out of the way!

Avoided the opponent\'s kick.

Gangya saw that Blood Song escaped his foot, and couldn\'t help but snorted, and at the same time looked at Changpu, "Are you okay"!

Just when Changpu was about to answer that it was okay, Gangya suddenly walked towards Kikyo, "This beautiful lady, what\'s your name???"

Blood Song was aside, his eyes cold.

This steel tooth is too presumptuous in the eyes of Blood Song! Among the original works, Steel Tooth is nothing great! But the attitude of this steel tooth is too arrogant.

In the original "Inuyasha" Gangya and Inuyasha compete for Kagome, and now, Gangya seems to have taken a fancy to Kikyo!

This is something that Blood Song cannot tolerate.

"Hey, get out of me." Blood Song also walked in front of Kikyo and told Gangya to get out.

"Keep away?? Why should I go away??" Hearing this, Gangya snorted, then looked at Kikyo again, and said, "I am stronger than this man, so you followed me."

Bloodsong\'s eyes were involuntarily cold, "Do you know you are looking for death???"

Hearing this, Gangya laughed disdainfully. Didn\'t think that in the Southern Kingdom, someone would dare to say this to him? ? ?

You know, steel teeth are powerful!

He is the genius of the demon wolf tribe, and the future leader of the demon wolf tribe.

"It\'s funny, it\'s really funny"! Gangya smiled and said, "Do you know who I am???"

"You bullshit, too much,"

Blood Song has reached out the hand of Ares at this moment, how can it be done without giving this steel tooth a lesson? ? ?

Chapter 604 Inuyasha Chapter 86

Chapter 604 Inuyasha Chapter 86

Inuyasha Chapter 86