My Wife is the Pirate Empress

Chapter 612:

Hearing these words, the body of Sesho Maru couldn\'t help but shake weakly! He didn\'t expect that his father would treat him like this? ? ? This is what Sesei Maru can\'t understand.

And the blood song stood there. It\'s no wonder that the original "Inuyasha", the king\'s killer pill, turned into a lonely family, and wandered the rivers and lakes.

Why did Douya Wang do this? The blood song is clear.

Fighting Tooth King wants to let Shashengwan go through trials and wash away the arrogance of Shashengwan. He wants Shashengwan to grow up and become a monster that can stand on its own feet.

Only in this way can Sesho Maru get his own weapon.

Sesho Maru stood there weakly.

The King of Fighting Tooth didn\'t go to see the Sesho Maru again, but commanded the army.

"The time has come for life and death. Now everyone brings meatloaf. Remember, this is our last food."

Hearing the words of the King of Tooth, Blood Song understood that what the King of Tooth used should be a ruin! Unexpectedly, Fighting Tooth King would actually use such a strategy.

Xiang Yu has used this strategy in the Eastern Continent of the Eastern Kingdom! Xiang Yu led all the troops across the Zhang River, sank all the ships, smashed all the pots and bowls, burned all the barracks, and only took three days of dry food, in order to express to the soldiers that they must fight decisively without returning them. When the Xin troops arrived at the front line, they surrounded Wang Li, met with the Qin Army, fought many times, blocked the tunnel built by the Qin Army, and defeated the Qin Army!

This battle also made Xiang Yu a real vassal.


Following the words of the King of Fighting Tooth, the soldiers of the dog and monster clan suddenly rushed towards the flying monster and moth clan and the ocelot clan.

But the King of Fighting Tooth was confronting the Lord Ocelot head-on.

Blood Song has been paying attention to the King of Fighting Tooth! For the original "Inuyasha", the King of Fighting Tooth, how could he die! The blood song is really full of curiosity.

Because the fighting tooth king is too strong!

How could it die? ? ?

Just as the blood song was paying attention to the fighting between the tooth king and the ocelot lord, a cold voice resounded from the sky above the blood song.

"Are you the so-called Xiaoyaohou???"

Hearing this, Blood Song raised his head and saw that in the sky above, there was a huge flying monster moth. The green eyes of the flying demon moth were staring at the blood song.

"You are the father of Onyx Pill???" Bloody Song said, and at the same time his face became dignified, and Cong Yunya was pulled out with a look of alert.

"Name: Flying Demon Moth King"!

"Power, demon power level 80"!

"Character profile: the king of the flying monster and moth clan, the leader of the eastern continent of the East Kingdom."

"Boy, bow down to me, and I can spare your life." Wang Sen of the flying demon moth said coldly to Blood Song. And the Blood Song stood there, and couldn\'t help but snorted.

Bow down on your knees!

In this life, Xuege will not kneel to the sky, not to kneel to the ground, let alone kneel to monsters!

The corner of the Flying Demon Moth King\'s mouth outlines a cold smile, "You really do not live or die."

The next moment, the wings of the flying demon moth flapped, and suddenly green thunder and lightning formed a cave on the wings of the flying demon moth.

That green thunder and lightning contains a strong wave of demon power!

"Boy, I will let you die now"!

"Any last words, let\'s talk about it."

The flying demon moth\'s green eyes are waiting for the blood song. And Xuege stood there, nodded, and said, "I do have a last word. My last word is, I didn\'t expect that I would fall into Pingyang and be bullied by a dog!"

"Yes, you fell into the dead of a dog..."

"What are you talking about??? Say I am a dog???"

The next moment, the Flying Demon Moth King came back to his senses, and his face became even more icy.

"Boy, I won\'t let you go."

"Absolutely not"!

Chapter 575 Inuyasha Chapter 57 is about to die

Chapter 575 Inuyasha Chapter 57 is about to die

Inuyasha Chapter 57 is about to die

Blood Song looked at the furious Flying Demon Moth King. At this moment, the word Blood Song can think of is to start first! Suddenly, Blood Song waved Cong Yunya in his hand, and his sword slashed at the Flying Demon Moth King fiercely!

"Sword Intent"!

Suddenly, a blood-colored sword light slammed toward the Flying Demon Moth King. When it hit the Flying Demon Moth King, the blood-colored sword light disappeared strangely.

How could this be? ? ? Blood song is startled! If the Flying Demon Moth King possesses the profound meaning of the Fighting Tooth King and makes all attacks invalid, Blood Song would not believe this kind of thing!

Immediately, the blood song\'s domineering appearance was felt. Under the perception of the blood song\'s domineering appearance, the body of the flying demon moth king in front of him was covered by a layer of green water film! Cong Yunya of Blood Song hacked up again. The **** sword light smashed on the body of the Flying Demon Moth King, but it still had no effect at all! Under the domineering perception of Blood Song, he discovered that when his **** sword light slashed on the flying demon moth, it was swallowed by the green water film!

Blood Song looked at the Flying Demon Moth King.

But the Flying Demon Moth King sneered "hahahaha" at this moment, "Did you see it? This is the power gap between me and you, you really can\'t be my opponent, do you understand???"

Blood Song clenched Cong Yunya in his hand and did not answer!

Whether it\'s an opponent or not, you won\'t know until the end of the battle! This is the theory of blood song! In the world of "One Piece", Blood Song also suffered a stronger existence than him.

But so what? In the end, the only one who became the king was Blood Song.

Blood Song was about to jump up, and when he continued to attack the Flying Demon Moth, he suddenly realized that his feet were stuck on the ground and he could not move a step.

The sudden change caused the blood song\'s eyes to become more solemn, and he raised his head to look at the Flying Demon Moth King again.

"This is another mystery!"

"My enemy can be fixed by my power of thought."

"How? Isn\'t it powerful??"

Mosen the flying demon laughed coldly.

At the same time, the huge body of the flying demon moth suddenly moved downwards, seeming to want to use the trick of Taishan to press the top, and to crush the blood song to death.

"Shaking Fruit"!

Bloodsong\'s right hand, wearing the hand of Ares, the moment the demon energy surged, the power that shook the fruit was also exerted, and the two forces suddenly merged into one.