My Wife is the Pirate Empress

Chapter 405:

In the past, Pluto Raleigh could have foresight in any battle.

But this time, Pluto Raleigh really didn\'t know.

The horrible power of Blood Song suddenly transformed into a dragon!

Full of mystery.

This kid, even Pluto Raleigh now feels like a mist, which is hard to figure out!

Pluto Raleigh didn\'t even know.

in addition!

Karp is 100% capable, and Raleigh has never seen it! After all these years, who knows if Karp continues to grow stronger?

And at this moment, the Holy Land Marikioya finally sent troops! Aid to the navy headquarters!

"Whitebeard, it\'s time for us to take action." Pluto Leili said.

Looking at the battleships in front of him from the holy land Maricioia, Hades King Raleigh smiled!

It seems that there are no powerful people on the battleship.

But suddenly, what happened to Pluto Raleigh, his face changed involuntarily!

"I have a bad feeling!"

Chapter 406 The Demise of the Navy Headquarters

"Ah!" Sky Dragon raised his head again. Long Yin stood up. The voice of Longyin was obviously more mighty than before.

Feeling this, Karp frowned involuntarily.

This dragon? Can strength be improved? ? ?

But thinking about it in Karp, this should be the ultimate strength of this dragon, right? ? ?

Can it be improved again? ? ?

At this moment, the claw of the sky dragon once again moved towards Karp like a thunder.

This claw is as fast as lightning and as powerful as thunder!

Facing the paw, Karp\'s brows were already deeply frowned!

Strength increased to 90%!

I will not fail!

The violent Karp also roared! ! !

"Boy, although you have potential, it\'s too early to beat me!"

After saying this, Karp\'s iron fist was also bombarded.

Karp knew exactly what this battle meant for him.

If unfortunately lose.

Then the undefeated myth that belongs to him Karp will come to an end!

Of course, for Karp personally, it doesn\'t matter whether he wins or loses.

The important thing is that Karp recognizes that his undefeated myth no longer belongs to him.

It belongs to the entire navy!

If even Karp loses!

Is there still a need for the navy? ? ?

How many people come to apply for the navy? ? ?

Although Karp appreciates blood songs.

But now, Karp knows he must win! ! ! !

Karp, whose strength had increased to 90%, flashed cold and harsh in his eyes!

The majestic power in that body is just like the water of the Yellow River, surging out of Karp\'s body in an endless stream!

In the end, this force turned Karp\'s whole person up.

Power, like a stream of water, flows on Karp!

But it was clear that Karp\'s eyes were also flushed with blood at this moment.

"Lieutenant General Karp, are you okay???" Now only Karp can compete with the terrible dragon in front of him. Seeing Karp\'s strange appearance, Huang Yuan couldn\'t help but walked up with a look " Distressed" said!

The Warring States of Buddha is dead.

The next admiral, maybe Karp.

In this regard, Huang Yuan knew that he had to flatter himself.

Although Huang Yuan is usually lazy when he goes up, he is also incredibly smooth at critical times! ! !

Karp ignored the yellow ape, his blood-red eyes kept staring at the sky dragon in front of him!

"Lieutenant General Karp, are you really okay??" Huang Yuan walked up and continued to "care"! "Don\'t worry, I have sent someone to call the most powerful medical team in our navy headquarters."

"Get out!" Karp punched up, hitting the yellow ape\'s lower abdomen! Huang Yuan who is "patching horses", how did he expect Karp to be like this? ? ?

Karp went up with this fist.

Huang Yuan only felt that the meal he ate last night was about to spit out! ! !

The green pheasant glanced at Huang Yuan with disdain.

Karp has inspired a lot of power! Obviously, part of the nature is also lost.

In this case, Huang Yuan still flattered smoothly in the past? ?

What is this not looking for a fight by yourself? ? ?

Karp ignored Huang Yuan.