My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 597

Xia Yunshu took a bath very fast this time. She came out in less than 20 minutes without blowing her hair.

She came out of the bathroom and Qi Jing was still on the balcony.

He didn\'t call. He turned his back to the room and lit a cigarette in his hand.

Whether as Qi Jing or Ye Tianyu, Xia Yunshu never saw him smoke and always thought he wouldn\'t.

He didn\'t shout or find a place to sit down. He just stood in the room and looked at him through the floor glass door leading to the balcony.

With Qi Jing\'s vigilance, he found her early in normal times, but he didn\'t seem to be aware of the movement in the room at this time, leaning on the balcony to smoke.

After staring at his back for a long time, Xia Yunshu couldn\'t help but close her lips.

If he is angry, she can deal with it. The big deal is to solve the problem clearly. But he was neither angry nor angry. He didn\'t loosen her hand all the way. When he came back, he gently asked her to take a bath and change clothes, but he seemed different from usual.

She doesn\'t know what the problem is, but it seems that the problem is a little serious. She hasn\'t encountered such a thing and doesn\'t know how to deal with it.

There was a sudden sense of powerlessness in my heart.

Qi Jing turns back after smoking. Xia Yunshu stands in the room for about ten minutes.

Considering the air conditioning in the hotel, the nightdress she brought was light and thin, almost the same thickness as the nightdress she wore in summer. She came out of the bathroom without drying her hair, which was still dripping. When they came back, they had their own worries and forgot to turn on the air conditioner. In fact, it was a little cold in the room.

Qi Jing looked back and saw her, suddenly stunned.

He quickly put out his cigarette and came into the house.

Without saying anything, he found a blanket and put it on her: "why don\'t you dry your hair and come out again? It\'s so cold. How long have you been standing here? The temperature in the room is so low that you didn\'t turn on the air conditioner?"

Xia Yunshu didn\'t answer him, so she looked up at him.

Qi Jing looked at her and hugged her in his arms: "I\'m sorry, there won\'t be another time."

"I just think of something. I\'m a little confused. I don\'t mean to ignore you. It\'s my fault that I didn\'t turn on the air conditioner the first time when I entered the house; it\'s my fault that you didn\'t notice that you stood here and waited the first time when you came out after taking a bath."

Xia Yunshu gently pushed him away, slightly raised her head, smiled at him and said, "I don\'t blame you. I didn\'t shout for you the first time. It\'s not your fault that the air conditioner didn\'t turn on. I forgot. I\'ve been with you for a long time, and I\'m used to asking you to do these things. In fact, it\'s just a matter of pressing my fingers on the remote control."

Then she turned and took the remote control on the table to turn on the air conditioner.

"Shu Shu..."

He turned back and smiled at him, "go take a bath, too. I blew my hair."

There are two hair dryers in the hotel room, one fixed in the bathroom and the other in the TV cabinet under the TV. Instead of blowing her hair in the bathroom, she went to take out the hair under the TV cabinet and sat down at the head of the bed.

Back to Qi Jing all the way.

Qi Jing looked at her and was going to walk towards her. Suddenly, he found that he was a little embarrassed and smelled of smoke. He had to turn and go to the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of the bathroom door closing, Xia Yunshu stopped blowing her hair, directly turned off the hair dryer and looked back at the closed bathroom door.

She admitted that she was angry just now. Reason told her not to, but she just couldn\'t help it.

She didn\'t do anything wrong. He can ignore her when he has something in his heart? In the past, when he went back to his room, he didn\'t turn on the air conditioner for the first time? But this time, he forgot; Not only did he forget to turn on the air conditioner, he also stood on the balcony with his back to her for so long.

With his vigilance, he should have found her.

But he didn\'t.

He was completely immersed in his emotions, as if he had forgotten her existence.