My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 441

"I dare to ask for trouble in front of Miss Ben!" Qi Yue quickly came forward and shot directly.

Naturally, Mo Zhi is here. She left her hand.

It\'s no secret that Miss Qi\'s skill is good, but she can\'t be too good. At least don\'t face six big men who are obviously good at it at the same time, so that they can\'t fight back and be solved by her in an instant.

Mo Zhi is not an ordinary person. If she behaves too much, it is difficult to ensure that he will not doubt. Especially after seeing Mo Zhi and feeling that he was more complicated than they knew, Qi Yue was more careful.


Yang Jin\'s child was covered by Xia Yunshu\'s hand and could not see it, but when he heard the news, he was afraid of returning and was still worried about Qi Yue\'s safety.

Xia Yunshu comforted: "it\'s all right. This sister is good at fighting."

She is very happy with the tacit understanding between her and Qi Yue. Needless to say, Qi Yue also knows what she means. In front of Mo Zhi, she should not make a move, and Qi Yue should not expose all her strength.

Suddenly so many people came out, not only sun Miao, Zhao Panpan and Wang Xu were a little frightened, so they all looked calm when they saw Xia Yunshu. Their mood was a little complicated, especially Zhao Panpan.

Qi Yue is fighting, but her attention is not on Qi Yue, but staring at Xia Yunshu.

She doesn\'t seem to be afraid at all. Is it true that, as she said just now, she was trained as the successor of the Xia family in the past 13 years to stay calm in the face of danger? Just looking calm on the outside, but actually afraid in the heart?

But how did she look? Xia Yunshu didn\'t seem to pretend to be calm, but really wasn\'t afraid?

Is it because Qi Yue is here and knows that Qi Yue can solve these people, so he is not afraid?

Oh, she almost forgot that Xia Yunshu seems to be very good. Du Jingjing and ina were seriously injured by her.

In other words, Xia Yunshu may not pretend to be calm, but really not afraid, and her fear is not just because she believes Qi Yue can solve these people, but because she is not afraid of them at all?

Others say Xia Yunshu is miserable, abandoned by her parents and family, but she doesn\'t seem to be much affected.

The sweet smile is still, clever and quiet.

Xia Yunshu, what kind of person is she?

Mo Zhi\'s eyes fell on Qi Yue who fought with others in front for a while, as if observing her moves.

It\'s not some tough moves. It looks like some self-defense skills that the big family asked the younger generation to learn. It\'s just that Qi Yue is in the Qi family and learns better than others.

But this alone is not enough to dispel his doubts.

Eyes moved to Xia Yunshu.

There was a strange light in his black eyes.

Ten minutes later, Qi Yue only solved two people, and there were four left. She looked a little embarrassed.

"Can I help you?" Mo Zhi asked with a smile. He couldn\'t hear his sincerity in his tone, but he heard a little banter.

He asked Xia Yunshu, not Qi Yue who was fighting.


Xia Yunshu glanced at him and smiled: "Yueyue can solve it. Even if Yueyue can\'t solve it, there is me. I have some skills, so I won\'t bother Mr. mo."

She has done it several times in public. Since Mo Zhi found it here, she must have found it long ago. There is no need to hide it.

As she said just now, she was also trained as the successor of the Xia family before she was 13 years old. She has to learn all the skills that all heirs need to learn. It\'s normal for her to have some self-defense skills. She doesn\'t worry about what Mo Zhi can see from this.

Trained as the heir of the Xia family

Thinking of this, Xia Yunshu smiled a little.