My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 434

Thinking so, we came to the meeting point.

With nearly a thousand people\'s outings and some idle tourists who occasionally come here, there are actually a lot of migrant people in the village. There are more than ten teams like them at the foot of the mountain.

There are many people.

So when Xia Yunshu and his party appeared, many eyes fell on them.

To be exact, it fell on Mo Zhi who was with them.

There\'s no way. Mo Zhi\'s face is really outstanding and several years older than them. At first glance, it\'s not a student or teacher in their school, or following Xia Yunshu, the man of the moment in their school. It\'s hard for people not to pay attention.

Some people even thought that he would be Xia Yunshu\'s rumored boyfriend. However, after passing by Qi Yue heard him and warned a few words, such comments gradually disappeared.

No one dares to provoke Qi Yue.

Xia Yunshu arrived last.

When they came, Qi Yue had just warned several people who were whispering.

"Sister, you are so angry. Is that sister Xia they said your friend?" When Yang Jin saw Qi Yue get angry several times, he was a little scared, but he was not afraid.

He now treats Qi Yue as his own person. It\'s a little unexpected that Qi Yue, a gentle and smiling big sister, would get so angry, and those people seem to be afraid of her.

"Well, it\'s my friend."

As soon as he said this, he saw Xia Yunshu coming.

Waving to Xia Yunshu: "sister Shu!"

The line of sight glanced over Mo Zhi next to Xia Yunshu, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. It seemed that he wondered why a stranger followed, and then frowned, as if he was unhappy, but he didn\'t ask much.

"What is this?" Xia Yunshu made a sound and asked the little boy followed by Qi Yue.

"Oh, this is the child of aunt Yang\'s family who we borrowed from the kitchen. Her name is Yang Jin. She often goes up the mountain. Aunt Yang called to lead us."

"Yang Jin, this is sister Xia, the captain of our team."

The little boy was very clever and shy to say hello: "Hello, sister Xia."

Xia Yunshu smiled: "hello."

Through the gap of smile, he exchanged eyes with Qi Yue.

Qi Yue looked at Mo Zhi beside her and asked, "sister Shu, who is he? How can he be with you?" A good and unruly daughter.

The role of a girlfriend who takes care of his cousin and helps him prevent his rival from falling in love is incisively and vividly performed.

"Yes, boss, who is he?" Jun Liu helped to speak. In his eyes, he made no secret of Mo Zhi\'s unhappiness. He was afraid that Xia Yunshu would be deceived by people with evil intentions and strictly guarded against it.

Mo Zhi knows that Xia Yunshu is Qi Jing\'s girlfriend and finds her here in person. How can he not investigate the people around Xia Yunshu.

Knowing that she had the best relationship with Qi Yuejun in school, I was still a little skeptical.

In fact, according to his investigation, Qi Yue and Jun Liu are not like people who can be so close to a person in a short time. He always feels that the closeness of the three of them is too inexplicable, and even doubts whether they have known each other for a long time.

Now I see people

Perhaps they have known each other for a long time, but their likes and dislikes for a person are completely displayed on their faces, and they don\'t know how to hide at all. At the age of 18, such a reaction is either simple in mind and no Chengfu, or Chengfu is much deeper than he thought.

If other people saw such Qi Yue and JunLiu, they might relax their vigilance. Unfortunately, it was him who came.

If he were such an easy person to relax his vigilance, he would have died many times.