My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 416

"That\'s true..." Yu Hua sighed when she didn\'t deny it.

"Xia Yunshu, you are too powerful." Sun Miaogang was also taking photos, trying to write down what Xia Yunshu said, and only now did he find a gap to open his mouth.

Chu Zhan and Zhao Panpan thought that they were really powerful. No wonder she asked Qi Yue to recite the compendium of Materia Medica just now.

Xia Yunshu smiled at Sun Miao.

Sun Miao was dazzled by her smile.

She always knew that Xia Yunshu was beautiful, but now she looked more beautiful. No, she was stunned.

"I don\'t know a few medicinal materials. What can I be proud of?" I don\'t know who made such a sour sound.

Xia Yunshu hasn\'t done much yet. Qi Yue and Jun Liu, who are knocking on their mobile phone, stop their actions and look fiercely at the source of the sound.

It\'s ina.

"Well, the scar forgot to hurt?" Qi Yue\'s eyes were cold.

The crowd retreated silently, exposing ina standing in the crowd.

Ina saw that Xia Yunshu was sought after by so many people. She couldn\'t help being sour. Unexpectedly, her voice was confiscated and heard by so many people.

For Xia Yunshu, especially Qi Yue and JunLiu, the shadow of the last time is still there, and I still fear them in my heart.

So exposed by the crowd, she subconsciously stepped back half a step to the cold eyes of Qi Yue, but it was too embarrassing for her to run like this. She didn\'t turn around and run away.

"What do you want?"

"What do I want?"

Qi Yue sneered: "shouldn\'t I ask you what you want? A person who ran to Yucheng to take refuge in a family civil strife has not learned enough once and dares to offend us again. I really don\'t know where you come from so much sense of superiority."

Recently, there are many rumors that she and her second brother came to take refuge because of family strife. Many people alienated them, but it was a rumor after all. No one pointed it out to her in public, so Qi Yue\'s words made ina pale in an instant.

"What are you talking about? Don\'t spread rumors here. Where is the civil unrest in our family? I clearly came to Yucheng to exchange and study, not to take refuge at all!"

"Rumor?" Xia Yunshu said this.

She looked at ina with a smile.

Ina has a feeling that Xia Yunshu with such a smile is more terrible than Qi Yue with cold eyes. What\'s going on?

Obviously Xia Yunshu is just a poor bastard abandoned by her parents.

"Whether it is a rumor or a fact, Miss Cady should be very clear in her heart." Xia Yunshu smiled, but if you look closely, you will find that there is no trace of temperature in her eyes.


Hearing these two words from Xia Yunshu\'s mouth, ina\'s heart was inexplicably uneasy.

Xia Yunshu recognized her identity at a glance.

She didn\'t know why at that time, but now she knows.

Xia Yunshu used to be the eldest lady of the Xia family, a big Chinese family in country y, who committed suicide for five years. No wonder she heard Du Jingjing say that Xia Yunshu will feel familiar with vegetables in five years.

Xia Yunshu can recognize her at a glance. She should have seen her before she became a vegetable.

In other words, she knew that Xia Yunshu was the eldest miss of the Xia family half an hour ago.

Half an hour ago, ina received a call from her friend Schaff.

"Little Fu?"

The other party\'s voice was charming and dripping: "ina, is that you?"

"It\'s me. Why did you call me?" Ina was nervous. She was afraid that the situation of the Cady family had reached the point of irreparability. She was very worried that Shaff called to tell her bad news.