My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 414

"Not much. I just looked at it. There are a lot of vegetation here. It\'s easy to find out 50 kinds. I don\'t have to help me with my homework. I can do it myself." The second half of the sentence was obviously said to JunLiu, or with a smile.

JunLiu wanted to laugh, but he didn\'t dare.

"When you hand in your homework, remember to send one to my mailbox."

Two people: "

This means to check the homework.

"Sister Shu..."

Qi Yue wants to be coquettish. She silently chooses to shut up to the smile seen by Xia Yunshu.

"Sister Shu, can I ask you the name and attribute of the vegetation while taking photos later? It\'s easy to find the fifty vegetation, but it\'s also difficult to go back and slowly check the information of the fifty vegetation. I\'m not like JunLiu..." computer technology is so good that it can be done easily.


Hearing Xia Yunshu\'s answer, Qi Yue was so happy that he wanted to jump up and hug Xia Yunshu\'s arm: "sister Shu, I knew you were the best."

Next to the gentleman flow also weak voice: "that, that boss, I can also ask you? Go back and check a little, it\'s too troublesome."

Xia Yunshu glanced at him, and Jun Liu counseled him for fear that Xia Yunshu thought he was lazy.

After all, he was trained by Xia Yunshu devil. Xia Yunshu has always been very serious in teaching them skills.


She always stresses efficiency. Since she can achieve her goal in the shortest time, why should she let them go back and waste a little time to check it? Anyway, the final effect is the same as asking them to go back and check.

Xia Yunshu\'s words brightened Jun\'s eyes and learned from Qi Yue: "boss, it\'s very kind of you ~"

Xia Yunshu and Qi Yue, as well as Chu Zhan and Zhao Panpan, who followed and heard their dialogue, were scared to goose bumps.

Qi Yue hated the cold and said, "Jun Liu, are you disgusting? Talk well!"

"Where am I sick? I\'m obviously cute."

Xia Yunshu and Qi Yue: "

"Don\'t be a liar. I\'m talking about 50 kinds each. Don\'t duplicate them." Xia Yunshu smiled and spoke softly. She looked soft, waxy and harmless.

Two people: "

"Boss, that\'s too much." In this village, it\'s easy to find 50 different kinds of vegetation, but it\'s too difficult to find 100.

The key is that he doesn\'t know if he and Qi Yue will duplicate the sample. Unless he and Qi Yue find it together, or both find 100 kinds, they won\'t duplicate the sample.

"I really can\'t find so many. Go back to the compendium of Materia Medica and add."

Qi Yue and Jun Liu looked at each other. It was the compendium of Materia Medica again. Couldn\'t this stem pass?

However, what she said obviously reduced the task difficulty for them. They didn\'t dare to make trouble again. If they did, maybe she would take back the compendium of Materia Medica directly.

"That\'s settled. We\'ll shoot as many quilts as possible. Boss, don\'t you really need me to do your homework together?"

"No, I have to feel a little involved." She said.

In fact, it doesn\'t matter whether you have a sense of participation or not. She used to think about taking her homework to ask (hook up with) Qi Jing, but now Qi Jing seems to see something. Maybe it\'s impossible for her to pretend to be learning slag in front of him, which makes another interest less between her and Qi Jing.

Learning slag can\'t be loaded. Xueba who doesn\'t know so many vegetation can still be loaded.

When she took photos of vegetation, she went back to consult Qi Jing in the name of completing her homework. It doesn\'t matter if Qi Jing doesn\'t know him. They can check it together.