My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 350

Xia Yunshu goes to the door of the office and just sees Yu Hua calling in the corridor.

I don\'t know who I\'m talking to. My attitude is very respectful.

When Xia Yunshu came over, he said to the people on the phone, "don\'t worry, I\'ll take good care of it. I\'ll never let my students be bullied at school... OK, I\'ll inform you of anything else at the first time... Bye."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yunshu saw that Yu Hua seemed to wipe the empty sweat on the corner of her forehead.

"Miss Yu."

"Classmate Xia is here, your mother... Ms. Liang Mianmian came to the school to find you. She directly found my office. I can only ask you to meet. People are sitting in the office, and Mr. Du Ren of the Du family is with her."

"You don\'t have to be afraid. No one can bully you at school."

When Aunt song sent Xia Yunshu to school, she repeatedly told others not to ask about Xia Yunshu, even her biological parents. If anything happened to Xia Yunshu at school, contact Jinyuan.

Yu Hua just called aunt song, but no one answered. He called Jinyuan again. Someone answered, but the servant answered.

The servant can\'t be the master. Let him contact the Qi family

In the student\'s admission file, the contact column does have that person\'s private phone number.

Yes, private phone, not work number.

But even if he knew, Yu Hua didn\'t dare to call. Just now he summoned up his courage to dial this call.

He really couldn\'t afford Xia Yunshu\'s accident at school, so he had to say hello to that in advance.

He can\'t afford to offend the Qi family and the Du family.

Otherwise, even if people go directly to the school to find his office, he will drive people away directly.

However, the man\'s attitude was a little strange. He didn\'t say whether he would care about it. He just said to let him watch it. Don\'t let people be bullied. Report to him in time if there is anything. As for what Xia Yunshu should do to Liang Mianmian and Du Ren, just watch him. Don\'t interfere or stop him.

It\'s as if Xia Yunshu won\'t suffer in the face of the two people in the office.

Oh, the one also reminded him that he didn\'t have to tell Xia Yunshu about his phone call.

Speaking of Xia Yunshu, he always knew that her backer was the Qi family, but he never thought that Xia Yunshu and the Qi family would have such a relationship.

He also heard about what happened at the school gate on Friday afternoon.

He was stunned.

As teachers, students should be persuaded to fall in love, but this does not apply to the teachers and students of Yucheng middle school.

Yucheng middle school is full of rich children. The teachers are better off doing more than one thing. Moreover, many of these rich children have the intention of marriage between their families.

In other words, it is very common for students to have an engagement.

You don\'t care whether people fall in love or not when the engagement is made? Their parents may not care, and they are even happy to see their success.

Even without these, the private affairs of the Qi family, even if he took a hundred courage, he didn\'t dare to get involved.

Xia Yunshu smiled: "thank you, teacher."

Yu Hua was relieved to see that she still kept smiling and her mood seemed unaffected.

"Come in."

Yucheng middle school is also a semi aristocratic school. Although two teachers share one office, it has a large area and complete facilities.

The teacher in an office with Yu Hua is not in. There are only two people in the office.

They all sat on the reception sofa by the window. There was a cup of hot tea on the tea table in front of them. It should be made by Yu Huagang for them.