My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 226


A knife pierced the armor of iron man, and a piece of armor fell down. Anyang can hear the alarm from iron man's armor intelligent system. Iron man also began to turn around in the air. He wanted to throw Anyang down, but Anyang was just like adsorbing on him. No matter how he shook it, he would not let it go. He grasped the arm muscle of his body and root it up The finger has turned blue with force!

Bang, the second piece of armor fell.

With the speed of iron man getting faster and faster, Anyang can't hold it, the back of his hand is full of blue tendons, and his teeth are also tightly clenched. Falling at such a high distance will definitely crush his body. Even if the demon body doesn't die, it will also hurt -


They seem to be in a tug of war. If they hold on longer than each other, one will fall from a thousand meters in the sky if they lose, and the other is determined to avenge his good brother.

The armor kept falling from the sky, almost hitting the Falcon.

The wind whirred in my ear, which made me unable to open my eyes, and my cheek hurt like a knife. Anyang finally bit his teeth, turned his eyes to the reaction furnace of iron man's chest, and hit him with the handle of the knife with his backhand. With a bang, the armor around the reactor suddenly sank in.

"Mr. stark, if I push harder, you will fall from here. Anyway, I am immortal. How about you? Your armor is almost broken. You will fall to pieces! "

Iron man didn't answer. He hit hard. The reactor had cracks.

Anyang is also helpless. As an arms dealer, inventor, tycoon, superhero and one of the founders of Avenger alliance in Marvel world, iron man has a wide network of people. He will not choose to kill iron man until he has to. That will cause many enemies for him, such as visions.

But he had to compete with iron man, even in a dilemma.

Let him go?

It's impossible. How could he be soft to an ordinary man wearing high-tech armor! Especially I can beat him!

There was another bang. The reactor was overwhelmed and the armor gave a shrill alarm.

Finally, iron man softened and began to lower his height.

When the distance was only tens of meters, Anyang leaped down and landed steadily. The good performance of the armor slowed down many impacts. With the support and protection of the body, the impact damage he received was still within the acceptable range, and he recovered as usual in a twinkling of an eye.

Iron man stands on the high altitude quietly, his armor is missing a few pieces, looks a little embarrassed, but he silently opens the mini missile cabin on his arm, a missile flies straight to Anyang, and soon flies across a hundred meters long air to hit the ground.

Anyang is avoiding at full speed. It's hard to avoid a blow on his body. It's ok if he doesn't get a frontal hit. Once he gets a frontal hit, he will be shot out. Even under the protection of armor, he feels his viscera are all broken. His chest hurts like a needle. I'm afraid that his ribs are all broken. Even the armor made of pure permanent alloy is blown out of shape. Fortunately, under the influence of the demon body, there is only one shout If you inhale, it will return to normal.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of him, carrying his shield to block a missile for him, but he was blown out, but he stood up with his teeth clenched, and continued to come to Anyang to fight against iron man.

It's the captain!

"Tony, don't be impulsive!"

Iron man stood in the air and didn't move, but he didn't launch any more missiles.

The Falcon suddenly roared from behind him and hit him on the ground. The armor and ground friction sparked dazzling sparks. However, the Falcon's armor was obviously not advanced as the iron man's armor, and was soon thrown away by the iron man with full power.

Anyang frowned, and soon realized that iron man's missiles had been used up, so he rushed up with the Tang Dao in his hand, but was stopped by spider man and black leopard on the way, which forced him to give up the idea of abandoning iron man.

"Captain, you go to the fighters first. I'll stop them!"

"Be careful!"

The captain and Baji ran back, only the panting Falcon stood beside Anyang, the ant man came over, the eagle eye and the black widow were still entangled on the other side, fighting hard to give up, but they also released water in various ways, equivalent to no two of them.

Mirage and Wanda are facing each other. Colonel Rodi has lost his fighting power and the two sides have reached a balance again.

Iron man, spider man, Panther!

Falcon, Anyang, ant man!

Anyang holds the Tang Dao tightly and doesn't move, but the captain and Baji behind him go farther and farther. The black leopard finally can't help it. He starts first and rushes to the three people standing side by side. Iron man also opens the propeller. Spider man's speed is no slower than black leopard's.

There's something wrong with it!

Anyang glances at the ant man and the Falcon beside him. The Falcon is an ordinary man with wings. Air support is OK. We can't beat the black leopard and spider man in a short battle. If the ant man doesn't change, it's basically useless. We can't choose three of them.

In this way, the reason why the team leader of the original plot was able to compete with the iron man was thanks to Wanda's wandering and the reason why vision didn't make a move in the early stage. Now vision has made a move and Wanda has gone to check around vision. This battle is really hard to fight.After thinking about it, he said, "you're holding the iron man. I'll deal with spider man and his highness!"

The Falcon glanced at him and said, "can you choose one from two?"

Anyang shook his head and said, "who said it must work? As long as you can get enough time for the team leader!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black leopard passed by him, and was stopped by his knife. Spider man leaped from the side, and was also dodged by her. The Falcon and the ant man caught up with iron man, one in the air, the other in the ground.

Soon, the six separated again.

Anyang's armor has been scratched by the black leopard. However, because of the permanent alloy, the claw mark is being quickly repaired. On the contrary, spider man is the most lovely one. No matter how, he only has to fight and kick, which will not cause much damage to his armor.

The Falcon gets up from a distance and stands beside Anyang, but his power system has been damaged by iron man. Now he has wings but can't fly. He only controls the red wings to harass in the air. The ant man is not hurt because he has no power at all.

Several people once again formed a three on three situation.

But the situation in Anyang is becoming more and more serious.

"Change the strategy, you first hold on to Spiderman and your highness, I will soon be able to solve iron man!" As Anyang said, he showed the Tang Dao's blade and threatened the three people in front of him, "everyone, I may not release water next!"

There was no response, and the battle began in silence.

As soon as the iron man flies together, he is hit by the red wing. After a meal, he sees a figure below rise up in the sky, ignoring the gravity, and directly crash into him. The ant man below throws a toy truck, which suddenly turns into a big truck and rolls to the ground, blocking the spider man and the black leopard. The exploded fire just blocks their sight.

When the fire was gone, iron man had fallen to the ground, and the reaction furnace in his chest was out of light. Anyang squatted beside him. He did not know when to pick up the long gun that pierced Colonel Roddy's leg and rushed towards spider man.

It's still more difficult for Spiderman and black leopard to tangle up. One of them can't fight with him in the wind, that is, they can't fight with him. The other one dare to fight with him, but he can't wear a Zhenjin battle suit at all. Iron man can solve this problem much better. After all, Tony is just an ordinary man. Although he has gained strong strength by relying on high-tech armor, he has too many constraints It's OK to deal with ordinary people. It's also good to deal with some superheroes who also rely on external forces. It's not good to deal with the strong ones who are really good at fighting.

Isn't that how the captain of the original plot smashed his reaction furnace?

Of course, the premise is that Anyang must wear this armor, otherwise a missile can blow him to pieces and come down several times in a row. I'm afraid even the demon body can't let him come back to life!

The black leopard swept the apron above his eyes. His father and foe Baji was about to leave. Then he looked back at the Tang Dao and held the long gun to Anyang, who came to him. He bit his teeth and opened his five fingers. His sharp claws stretched out and rushed to Anyang again.

When the two men touch each other, they can't touch Anyang's corner. Instead, his belly is scratched by the tip of the gun. There is a white mark on his battle suit. When they are going to attack Anyang again, the Falcon and the ant man come to him at the same time to entangle him.

Anyang crossed him and rushed straight to spider man. He knew that he could not hurt the black leopard, but he might subdue spider man. However, spider man is indeed more difficult than the black leopard. His strength is greater and his speed is fast, but he is not as fast as Anyang.

Soon, Spiderman was caught by Anyang. He was able to subdue it immediately. The tip of the gun had been stabbed, but there was a roar from above. A vertical take-off fighter flew over his head.

Anyang thought about it, took back his spear and went to the Falcon and ant man.

The captain and Bucky have left. Iron man and Colonel Roddy have been abandoned. It's not meaningful for them to fight any more.

Spiderman stands up, and the Panther stops.

Not long after that, the shrill alarm sounded. When the German army arrived, one frame came from afar, circling around the airport, and one armored vehicle drove into the battlefield, feeling that it was not to catch several people, but to fight.

"Raise your hand or we will fire!"

Anyang laughs bitterly. This time, it's obviously different from before. It's not helicopters and soldiers. It's fighters and armored vehicles. It's not shooting. It's shooting directly. So many troops, even the armor made of permanent alloy, can't stop it. Unless he directly transfers out his chariot to fight with this army, it will start a real war. He's helpless France wins.

With a glance at the Falcon and ant man, his armor disappeared in a flash, followed by Tang Dao and long gun. Several armed soldiers came to control them under the threat of armored vehicles. They did not resist, and neither did black leopard and spider man.

In any case, they won the war and it was a beautiful win.

Even if he was a prisoner again, and a different prisoner, even the government would be afraid of his war power. A man who killed Colonel Roddy and iron man successively by his own power had no pressure to raid the leadership of a country.So this is a very different prison.

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