My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 136

"Wear gold armor!"

"The more fighting, the stronger!"

"Toss your head!"

"For father and mother!"

"Hot blood!"

"To protect my hometown!"

"After ten thousand miles!"

"Kill the sand bandits!"


A group of black armour soldiers rode on their horses in the desert, singing loud and clear songs, farewell to the front two figures!

Anyang also came out of the Inn and led Maman to walk aimlessly on the street. There were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road. Suddenly, a long and sad erhu sound came into his ear, which seemed to have experienced half a life of bitterness. He could not help but dismount and look in the direction of the sound.

In the corner of Jiangdu City sat an old man in ragged clothes, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and he didn't know whether he was blind or not. He was pulling an old erhu in his hand.

Anyang stood in the same place and listened. His mastery of primary music enabled him to feel the feelings expressed by the song and the people who played it. He was greatly touched for a while.

I don't know whether he is blind or not. When he was in University, he had a trip to the ancient city of Phoenix in the west of Xiaoxiang province. There was also a half blind man in erhu, but he didn't have the profound skill.

Anyang listened for a moment, shook his head to disperse all feelings, touched all the silver coins of his family and threw them into the bowl in front of the old man, then turned around and led the horse away. But the old man from beginning to end lowered his head and took the erhu with concentration, and didn't even look at him.

Anyang is no longer the time when he was young and frivolous. He will not throw ten yuan to sit by the river and listen to an old man pull the erhu for half a day. Even if this man pulls it well, even if his understanding of musical instruments is far beyond the original, but his youth has passed.

Out of Jiangdu City, he did not see the old man behind him suddenly turned into a yellow sand, half blown away by the wind, half landed, and all the pieces of silver he left fell to the ground.

People in the demon world don't know where to get the news. It's coming!

However, it has nothing to do with him. He has lived here for more than three months and even got familiar with the shopkeeper. But now it's time to leave and no one can find him.

Walking into the desolate desert, the sun is very hot. Looking back, I saw a border city standing on the horizon. The yellow sand blurred its original outline. As soon as the smoke rose, it was disturbed by the wind. It has a unique beauty.

Touch the cell phone to see the data. Better than ever!

Selected person: Anyang

physical fitness:

physical fitness: 3.9

strength: 4.1

speed: 4

mental power: 4

quality points to be allocated: 3

Mastery skills:

Combat Mastery (Advanced)

firearms Mastery (Advanced)

cold weapons Mastery (Master)

instrument Mastery (primary)

driving Mastery (primary)

English Language proficiency (primary)

military literacy proficiency (primary)

skill points to be allocated: 4

props ability:

portable space (1000m3)

the door of space (connected with the end of the world 94567 and the real world)

ability theft (to be used)

character extraction (to be used)

road ability to be extracted: 1

other abilities:

< br Lunjue (Level 5)

heaven and earth are limitless, heaven and earth borrowing method (Level 3)

"System, the ability to steal fox demon and lizard essence from the painting world and not be killed by mortals!"

"After selection, ability extraction is in progress Ability transplantation If the ability theft succeeds, the selected person gains the ability - Demon body (Level 5). "

"Demon body, this name is Fu Shi!"

He has thought very clearly. The ability in the painting is the most suitable for him. There are three outstanding ones in total. One is the immortal body of the thousand year old monster. The second is the stealth ability of lizard spirit, and the third is Xiaowei's charm ability.

Stealth ability was first denied. He was neither a killer nor a lewd girl to be lazy by stealth. Charm is very useful to him. With this, not only will his tasks be easier in the future, but also his retinue will be easier, and he will no longer need to intimidate and seduce. But the plot's charm ability is not strong. It's OK to use it on some rich ladies. It's useless to deal with people who are determined. Otherwise, Pang Yong and Xia Bing would have been confused by her.

Think about it, or "immortal" body for him, nothing else, after all, this can not really guarantee immortal, but there are more layers of security.

"Give me a master of firearms."

"Skill point assignment After allocation, start to establish information transmission... "

Anyang closed his eyes and suffered for a moment. When he recovered, he only felt that he had an inseparable relationship with guns and bullets. For example, he could hit wherever he pointed out. Any wind force, initial speed and attenuation would be calculated, and he could hardly aim."Well, there are three skill points left for you to use in case you need to. Assign three fitness point reviews to physique, strength and speed."

"Distribution of physical fitness points completed!"


Anyang took a breath of cool air and felt that at this time he was so strong that he could break out at any time with strength and speed far beyond the ordinary people's imagination. Moreover, physically speaking, he could use several storey buildings as trampolines to jump!

"Finally, the ability to extract props!"

"Item ability extraction When the extraction is completed, the selected person gains the ability of props: the Legion can quickly rescue and summon a force of its own to support in any mission world. The force should belong to the space-time force system, and the number of people should not exceed 100. It can bring its own weapons and equipment. "

"The Legion?"

Anyang's eyes are wide open, which is undoubtedly a new props ability, and it can summon the armed forces in the task world. It seems to be very practical!

Look at the personal data again, the change is even greater!

Now I'm really like a spacewalker!

Anyang looked up at the sky, turned over his hand and took out a knife and crossed his arm. He immediately left a hole, but there was no blood flowing out. But he obviously felt the same pain as before. He bit his teeth and didn't make a sound. The wound soon healed.

"Is this the demon body who has been practicing for thousands of years? As expected, you can use the building as a trampoline!"

The demon body and the Terminator T1000 are similar, but they are also different. They can't ignore the howitzer attack like T1000, but they can't be melted by the heat like T1000. After all, one belongs to magic system and the other belongs to science fiction system, which is quite different.

Anyang suddenly takes back the knife. As soon as he raises his mobile phone and doesn't speak, he turns into a white light and disappears in the desert.

He would not find out that ten minutes after he left, there was a gust of wind in the desert suddenly, convoluting the yellow sand all over the sky. An old man with narrow eyes kept sniffing and coming, but stopped in place.

"What about people?"

PS: it's over at last. Tomorrow, we will start to resume the update and open the compensation mode. We owe you five chapters in total. The gold will be paid back, and one chapter will not be tarnished. But please don't rush to pay back. After all, in the case of increasing quantity, we must guarantee the quality, right? (to be continued. )