My Stepmother's Secret

Chapter 81 Murderer

"Go to hell!"

When I was blinded by hatred and anger, I let it go. The gangsters who were watching had already found out, but it was too late. I had stabbed Tong Hao in the back with an angry knife and screamed. Everyone was stunned.

Even the scream only lasted for a moment, and everyone looked at Tong Hao with disbelief as he covered his back and fell.

The eight closest brothers immediately called out Brother Hao's name, then rushed up and hugged Brother Hao's body. The other gangsters swarmed in and punched and kicked at my body. The whole scene became a mess.

The brothers in my dorm were not stupid. They all knew to protect me. So many people were angry at me. If I wasn't protected, I would have been killed. Even if I stepped on them, I would have been crushed to death.

So none of my brothers, including Kai Qiang, dared to protect me.

Tong Hao was also unlucky. Every time he came to our dormitory, he was injured and hospitalized. This time, he might endanger his life. It was not until he was taken away and the dorm administrator came that I realized that I had caused a big trouble. If anything happened to him and his life was in danger, then I would be a murderer.

I thought of my father, because of a moment of impulse, going to jail and not being able to get out, would I become like that too? I couldn't help but cover my face and want to cry, but the fear in my heart made me not know whether it was sweat or tears around my eyes.

Tong Hao's brothers pointed at me, scolded me, said I was dead, said that I killed someone, it must be a murderer, said that I should wait, even if I was fired, they would not let me go.

And Kong Xiaoming, after they all left, came over and took a picture of me and asked me:

"Why are you so sweaty and cold? Crazy, what's wrong with you? Did you really kill him?"

My hands were shaking, shaking my head and saying, "I don't know, I don't know."

Although I used to take a knife and deal with murderers like hua zi and Wu Di, when I picked up the knife again and stabbed someone, I found out that I was still so afraid. It had nothing to do with my experience.

A murderer doesn't mean that after killing a person once, the second time he kills someone must be very calm and skillful! Instead, he would be more afraid, more panicked, and more difficult to handle than the first time.

So I feel like this is what I am doing right now. I thought I would face it calmly after all those life and death battles, but when I did, I realized that I still couldn't calm down. I was still scared. It's over. I can't go to school. I'm going to be expelled. I might even go to jail. I'm already 16 years old. I might be sent to a youth prison. Then my life will be ruined.

A series of fears made me unable to calm down.

Just then, Gui Zhe's men came in and asked me what was going on. They said he couldn't help it, and he couldn't get in either. I don't blame him. He did try his best. When he came to me and asked me if I could delete the video of his rape, I sighed.

"There's no such thing. Liu Jingjing and I are both lying to you. I killed someone anyway. Maybe I can't afford it anymore. There's no need to lie to you."

He glared at me a little angrily, as if blaming me for lying to him, but when he learned that I had killed someone, he was stunned:

"- You really killed someone, Tong Hao? The one you just carried out?"

It turned out that he didn't see who it was because there were so many people just now. After I said it, he realized that there was shock in his eyes.

After he left, everyone in my dorm was comforting me, especially Kai Qiang. He also scolded, "Fuck, if it's a big deal, I'll help you take the blame. Anyway, everyone in our dorm is involved in taking the blame together. I don't believe that the school will expel us. Besides, with your crazy wrist, how can you stab him in the heart?"

I said, "I don't know. I was so angry that I lost my head. I might have really stabbed him."

Kai Qiang was speechless. The others, some were afraid, some were angry, but they didn't leave. They all wanted to help me shoulder the blame. They didn't want me to shoulder it alone.

After I heard it, I was very moved. I held their hands and said:

"No need. I caused this trouble. I'll take it on my own. I appreciate your kindness, really!"

Just then, the door of the dormitory opened again. It was Li Xunhuan who came in. He frowned, looked at us and asked,

"Zhang Feng, did you kill someone?"

When I saw him coming in with a few people, I was so angry that I didn't hit him. I took two steps at once and rushed to him. I grabbed his collar angrily.

"You and him? Didn't you say you were going to rescue someone?"

"You call that protecting me?"

I was so angry that even Wang Kai in my dorm felt sorry for me. He said,

"That's right, Li Xunhuan. You don't mean what you say. What kind of boss are you? If you hadn't come, would a lunatic have stabbed Tong Hao?"

Li Bin, who had been huddled in the corner, said:

"Did you deliberately not come?"

With just a few words and my actions, Li Xunhuan became furious. He opened my hands and said scornfully,

"I promised you, I promised you, but why didn't I come? Do you think I'm afraid of Tong Hao's trash? This grandson already knew that I would come to help you. He had already arranged for someone to stop me. How should I come?"

"Besides, Laozi is not coming. Can you control me? I, Li Xunhuan, need to report to you when I'm doing something. What do you think?"

After these words, I was furious again. For me, Liu Jingjing must have let this son of a bitch get away with it. I was so unhappy with his bullshit attitude. I just killed someone, and I was so angry that I went up and punched him a few times, but it was no surprise that he stopped me. I said angrily:

"Do you believe I stabbed you to death?"

"Come on!" Li Xunhuan pointed to his heart. "Anyway, your father is a murderer, and you are a murderer. Both of you are the same!"

This sentence hit my sore spot directly. I was angry. I grabbed an unknown ballpoint pen on the table and was about to poke his neck. I was going to kill the dog.

But just then, a voice was loud and threatening:

"Stop, you still want to kill me, don't you?"

We looked up and saw that the administrator of the dormitory had come with a lot of teachers, including our class teacher and tong hao class teacher. In the middle of the night, they should have been called out. Their eyes were red with sleeplessness, and they were all staring at me, especially my class teacher.

"Zhang Feng, right? You're half a month late. I still have a deep impression of you. How long have you been here? You want to kill someone, don't you? I've already called your parents. They'll come tomorrow!"