My Stepmother's Secret

Chapter 184 Cannon Thump

"When you come to my place, no one can run away!"

After that, he fell so easily that my whole body was thrown out, and then I fell so hard that my limbs almost fell apart in pain.

I was completely desperate.

He came over and kicked me in the head with his stinky feet.

"Crawl back!"

I rolled my eyes and got here hungry because of a belief. I couldn't climb anymore. I couldn't move at all. I gasped and cursed.

"If you have the guts, you kill me. If I have the guts, I don't want Laozi to eat. If you let Laozi climb, I'll climb you. If you have the guts, don't eat. Crawl back and forth for me to see!"


Just as I finished scolding him, he kicked me over. It was still on my head. I fainted and fell unconscious.

How could I still be awake if I couldn't hold on? I just fainted. I was too tired.

When I woke up again, I was awakened by a very fragrant smell. I was still very hungry and hungry. When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was back, mostly because the old man had brought me back.

When I smelled the smell, my stomach was getting hungrier. It was already late at night, and it was dark all around me. I couldn't see my fingers, but I knew how to follow the smell to find something. So I felt dark and found it. There was a big pot of soup. I didn't know what was cooking. It should have been done. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so fragrant. And there was no one around. It must have been Elder yang's old cooking.

So, I hurriedly took a bowl and decided to fill it with some. It was dark and I didn't know what it was. It was supposed to be meat soup. I didn't know if it was pork or what. I hadn't eaten anything for two days. Plus, it was just two days when Hongjie came. I was hungry. I licked the soup and the soup bowl. I ate a lot of meat in that pot. It tasted like beef. It's a bit like rabbit meat, but it's just not like pork. After eating one bowl, I filled another.

When I was full, I took a long breath. Oh, it was so happy. It turned out that it was such a happy thing to eat after two days of hunger.

Anyway, it was dark. After eating, I leaned against the wooden house and fell asleep. Last night, I slept here too. Today, I slept outside for another day. It was nothing. I felt like I had been bitten by mosquitoes. I was too lazy to care. I was tired and hungry.

It seemed that the old man was not so bad, at least he gave me something to eat.

The next day after I woke up, another stick woke me up. The next day, I didn't resist so much. On the contrary, I felt stronger. At least the next day, when I went to climb the mountain again, it wasn't so hard. The next day, I still climbed seven mountains back and forth. This time, I didn't dare to run, but this time, it was easier than the previous two times. After I came back, it was still dark. But the speed was almost an hour faster than before, but there was still nothing to eat. I thought that since there was meat soup for me to eat at night, I didn't care much.

While the old man was eating inside, I took a bath by the spring outside and was going to sleep. Maybe in the middle of the night, he would cook some broth, and then I would get up and rub a little.

But all of a sudden, I found a lot of bodies in the open space behind the wooden house. There were a lot of snakes, ants, and beasts, and even the disgusting bodies of toads. Next to them was a pot of soup and a big black pot. I smelled it, and it was very fragrant. I looked at the toads, snakes, cockroaches, mantis and other insects on the ground, as well as some miscellaneous leaves.

I vomited, didn't I? That's what I ate last night?

Toad, cockroach soup? And snakes?

After I vomited for a while, my stomach acid came out, but I still felt nauseous. Many of them were absorbed by me, so I couldn't vomit at all. I ran out of the cabin and knocked on the door hard.

"Cao nima's, old man, are you going to come out and eat this for me? Are you disgusting? Are you a man or not?"

I knocked for a while, but still refused to leave. At this time, the door of the cabin opened, and he glared at me with a cold and angry face:

"Did I let you eat?"

I was speechless. He didn't let me eat, but I didn't eat. I didn't have the strength. Mom, he put cockroaches and toads in and cooked them. It disgusted me to death. Besides, he didn't wash them.

I asked him again, "Why don't you feed me?"

He said, "Come back before dark and we'll have dinner!"

I asked again, "Then I can't come back. I can only eat these things?"

He snorted and said, "Why don't you eat the roots and bark yourself?"

"Sure! Damn it! When I get back before dark, if you don't feed me, I'll bury you old man!"

I was so angry that I came here to learn things. He kept telling me to climb mountains and climb over and over. Although I knew this could also exercise my physical strength, what was the difference between this and my exercise? I thought he was some otherworldly man. He was such a piece of shit. Even if he had the ability, he wouldn't be willing to teach me, because I heard that he was impotent, and he couldn't accept the humiliating side of being heard by me.

In the evening, I was so hungry that I really went to eat bark and grass roots. To be honest, these things were better than his food, but I couldn't eat them all. Later, I thought of a way. When I was climbing the mountain, when I met a hare or pheasant or something, I caught one or two, so that when I came back, I could roast them without food.

After a week or so, I finally got back before sunset. I told him honestly:

"I want to eat, you make it for me!"

But what I didn't expect was that when I was having dinner with him, I realized that he was also eating these things, toad meat, snake meat, and even cockroach meat. He also smiled and said, "What's wrong? Look at your expression, don't believe it?"

He grinned.

"These are great tonics. Eating them is good for your health. You practice like this every day. If you don't eat them, you can eat them. What do you think is in the mountains? I've been through so many years, that's how I've been."

He grabbed a raw, uncooked piece of snake meat and swallowed it. The snake blood spurted out and he didn't care at all.

I was a little nauseous, and I couldn't stand it anymore, so I went out and threw up. I looked around his room, and there was nothing to eat, just these things.

I was speechless. In the end, I could only cook some rabbit meat, snake meat and mountain chicken for myself to eat. I was relatively receptive to these. If I were to eat toad meat, I really couldn't accept it.

Not to mention, after eating these raw foods, my body became stronger and stronger. In the place where my hair was not flourishing before, it was now very flourishing. In addition to this month or so, I did not have sex. I had a lot of beard, and there was no place to shave. And now I can not only come back before sunset, but also two or three hours earlier, but this is the limit. I think it's the limit of humanity, at least the old man is at this speed now, but he said,

"Some people can be faster than me, faster than him, at least half an hour faster."

But I don't understand what that means.

Because there are still three days left, and the day when sister hong comes to pick me up is only the last three days.

All this time, I kept asking him if he only taught me these things, and he said yes.

I mocked him, but he didn't say a word.

In the last three days, I felt that although my body was getting better and my training was getting better, my fighting skills were still very poor. When I dealt with people like the white-faced scholar, my reaction ability and fighting ability were definitely much stronger, but it was difficult to defeat him.

After I spoke to Old man yang, he nodded and waved at me.

"Come here and fight me! You can do it even if you beat me."

I thought about it. It's been the last three days anyway. I can practice a little bit. This goddamned old man doesn't treat me as an apprentice at all. He doesn't teach me anything. So, if he wants me to kill him, I'll do it. This old man is looking for death, so it's no wonder I'm doing it.

So, I used my strongest attack, which Kai Qiang taught me before, and attacked him.

My speed was very fast, coupled with the exercise these days, it was faster than before. He avoided it with one punch, but this punch was a fake move of mine. I grinned and then elbowed him in the face. I whispered, "Yes."

Yes, I was so fast that even he couldn't hide. He should be as fast as me, because I was about the same speed as him, and he wouldn't be much faster than me, so after he fell into the trap, he would definitely hit him.

Sure enough.

But I found out that he had put his fist back in advance and steadfastly blocked my attack. I was stunned for a moment. His foot suddenly shook violently on the ground. After that, his whole body jumped up. The speed was too fast to be caught by the eyes.

He placed his hands in a tiger-crane pose, and with one blow, he hit me on the back. I threw myself forward, completely powerless, and bared my teeth in pain.

This time, I knew what he was capable of. This was his kung fu, but I didn't see it clearly.

After I conceded defeat, I asked him,

"Elder yang, it's been the last three days. Just teach me how much I can understand. How about that? Otherwise, when I go out, I will scold you every day and call you impotence!"

In fact, he wasn't impotent. These days, I found out that it was Hongjie who was slandering him. Once in that cabin, I accidentally found some little yellow books, as well as some yellow pictures, the beautiful women on them, as well as some sperm stains everywhere. It was conceivable that he was capable of sex, not really impotent. And once when I slept, I saw his pillar, which proved my idea even more.

But he's an old man who can still wake up in the morning. It's really good!

After he heard what I said, he gave me an angry slap, but when I came back over the mountains that night, he made me eat a snake gall and told me:

"This skill was never passed on to outsiders. It was not needed in modern society. I originally planned to let it go to the grave with me, but there were only the last two days left. After I died, I was afraid that this skill would not be passed on to anyone. I would pass it on to you as much as I could understand. In the last two days, I would consider it a fate. Look at you as the child of little red."

He thought I was Hongjie's son, but that's good. I don't deny it. If I deny it, he might not teach me.

I just said, "Thank you, master yang!"

He showed it to me once. It was different from tai chi and the others. It was a boxing technique, but it also evolved into a tiger-crane double shape. Sometimes it was slow, sometimes it was fast, sometimes it leaped up, sometimes it stomped on the ground. I always felt that he was surrounded by a force of angry dantian. Hit the palm of my other hand. When I saw this move, I felt like I saw some movements in the radio gymnastics.

After he finished practicing, I found that there were many sunken pits on the ground, which were left by him when he just stepped down.

There was no doubt that he was a real master.

This set of boxing, practiced for less than five minutes, but the shock, I was shocked.

I haven't done anything, I haven't thought about anything, I just focused on training myself, so I've just finished practicing this set of boxing, I've already memorized it deeply in my mind, I don't dare to say I remember it all, but let me practice it again in my mind, and then imitate it myself, I can still do it.

The next day when I came back from climbing seven more mountains, he asked me,

"How did you understand yesterday's boxing?"

I said,

"It's okay. It's all right. Because some of the movements are similar to the exercises we learned in the past, but we have to use our inner strength and dantian strength, right?"

He nodded.

"If you can teach, then show me the drill. Tomorrow evening, your mother will come to pick you up. There is not much time left."

I saw that he was still trying to point me out. I nodded and rehearsed what I was thinking. He looked at me in shock.

"I didn't expect you to be able to understand it so quickly. You did all the moves, but you haven't found the artistic conception and the method of luck."

In this way, he explained to me this night, as well as the way to breathe, how to transport all the air to dantian and burst out in one breath. I was stunned by all this, but in the end, after I practiced it, I realized that it was true.

For example, those great masters are not really powerful, but they know how to use qi and dharma, know how to save unnecessary energy, and then use it in the necessary places, and then fight out, which is to maximize the effect of force.

This will cause the greatest harm to the enemy. In fact, people are the same, but they know how to use their own force reasonably. In fact, to let the white-faced scholar to climb the mountain, he may not be better than me, but I am much worse than him.

By the time I figured this out, it was almost dawn. After a nap, the next day, he surprisingly didn't ask me to climb the mountain, but told me when I woke up.

"Try calling me again."

This time, I used all my strength and still couldn't beat him, but I wasn't as weak as before. I really mastered this set of punches.

When I asked what the name of the fist was, he told me,

"This is called the internal boxing. You can call it the cannon fist!"

I was stunned and asked, "Gavel?"

He said angrily, "It's a cannon thump! Don't insult it! Or I'll strangle you!"

When he came up, he grabbed me by the neck, and I couldn't catch my breath. I quickly said,

"No, no, Elder yang. I was wrong. I just didn't hear you clearly."

After knowing that it was called cannon thump, I paid more attention to it, but I didn't know which sect it belonged to in ancient times.

For the rest of the day, he taught me to breathe, breathe, breathe, and be one with heaven and earth. He felt the spirit of heaven and earth, and showed him this boxing technique. At this time, I knew when to lift my butt, when to sink my dantian, when to scratch the ground with my toes, and so on.

After a day's review, I realized that I was on a new level, and I was even more grateful to him. Although I hadn't eaten anything good for the whole month, the food I ate was wild and disgusting, but my strength was a qualitative leap.

Because Hongjie must have crawled over in the morning and arrived in the evening, so I could still talk to him, he told me,

"Don't be surprised if you meet someone who does something similar to you one day, because although they are the same as your fist, they are still fundamentally different. Besides, they don't practice cannon punch. Remember, this is called cannon punch!"

I thanked him and said, "I remember, master, call for a cannon!"

He cursed, "Get lost. I'm not your master. Just call me Elder yang."

Then he added,

"If you can master all of this skill to the point of perfection, you are basically invincible among your peers. Even some practitioners in the city are no match for you."

I couldn't help but thank you.

But he added,

"But don't think that once you learn kung fu, you'll be invincible in the world. Even if you practice your cannon hammers to perfection, remember that no matter how good you are, you're afraid of kitchen knives."

He suddenly opened his back and saw a scar from the back of his neck to the waist. Because I had never seen him shirtless, I never saw this scar. It was really scary. It was a miracle that he was still alive.

The scar was very deep.

I asked him, "Who cut this?"

He grunted and did not speak.

I asked him again, "How did you know Hongjie? Did anything happen between you?"

He snorted again and said:

"Don't ask too much about adults and children. When she comes, you and her should get out of here. Just tell her that I, yang an, owe her everything!"

I don't know what happened between him and Hongjie, but I think it was their last generation's grudge, and I couldn't care less, so I didn't ask any more. I ate some wild meat and waited for Hongjie to arrive.

A month had passed, and it was hard, but it was also very fulfilling. All of this was for me from Hongjie. She continued to give to me from Chen Shien. She continued to give to me. To her, I felt that calling her godmother was light. Calling her mother was almost the same. Her love and care for me was much better than my own mother.

A month had just arrived, and Hongjie had arrived. She was wearing sexy and seductive heels this time. It seemed that she was used to coming here. Otherwise, how could she climb the mountain? Old yang must have taught her how to climb the mountain.

It was just that the age gap between her and Elder yang was too big to understand that they had actually been lovers.

When she came, she was still smiling and looked at me happily.

"It's dark, strong, and taller."