My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 901

The late caviar stared at his mouth.

"Wait for me!"

He scraped her very upturned nose, and his voice sounded a little fierce.

Chi Ziyu suddenly felt a little fluffy, "... You said... Do you have any conspiracy waiting for me?"

Qixingyun smiled and scored cunning: "let\'s finish the housewarming banquet first."

Chi Ziyu\'s face was black: "..."

In short, the hunch is not very good.

Every time Qi Xingyun smiles at her like this, it\'s always bad.

The first thing after moving is to hold a housewarming party.

Earlier, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun said hello to the people in the village.

So this morning, everyone came here one after another.

We had a short and long meeting, and then we divided our work.

Purchase, set up stoves, borrow pots and pans, tables, chairs and benches

Qijiabao came to help with qiduodi and qiduojin, and qixinbao also came with a family.

Although the two families are divided, they are still United at the critical moment.

The other family will come to help whoever has a wedding, which is also good for brothers.

Qijiabao and qixinbao are both qualified and experienced in handling wedding events.

Unlike Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun, they are almost two little white.

However, Chi Ziyu is fine. Previously, Qi family made full moon wine for Liang Zi. Chi Ziyu helped Chen Xiang manage it together. He has little experience, but he can barely make do with it.

On this day, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun are going to the city to buy. There are elders at home, so they don\'t need to worry about it.

In addition to purchasing vegetables and meat, it is to prepare melon and fruit snacks.

For melons and fruits, the late seeded fish will directly move part out of the workshop and buy snacks separately.

After working hard for most of the day, they almost ran down most of the river city and bought all the things they should buy. Only then did they return home with a full load.


Qijiabao and others are discussing things around a big table in the hall.

Several large sheets of red paper were spread on the mahogany round table in front of me, with pen, ink, paper and inkstone beside it.

Qixinbao is patiently cutting red paper. People who have nothing to do stand by and look at it.

Wang said, "cut more. The fourth family has plenty of silver. When the time comes, stick pairs on his door. It\'s very nice to have face."

Qixinbao smiled and joked, "there are so many cuts. Your scholar won\'t be able to write it later."

"Not yet. My family can stand it. You can make him write a hundred pairs without repeating the sample." Wang boasted.

For a moment, everyone laughed.

"Qijia, when will your family come back.

We\'ll have wine the day after tomorrow. The pairs haven\'t been posted yet. It\'ll be late if we don\'t post them again.

If he really doesn\'t come back, let\'s make a noise early, and we can invite others to write early. " Someone asked.

There are not many people in the village who are as literate as qiduocai.

But if you really want to write a pair, some people can do it, but they don\'t have the face of Qi duocai\'s name.

"He\'ll be back tomorrow." Wang said confidently, "how can others compare with my family? It\'s like a piece of shit written at that time. Don\'t lose the face of my fourth.

Most of our family are talented people. What we write is guaranteed.

Who\'s handling wine these years doesn\'t invite us to write more, do you think? "

Others could not say that it was bad to live more, so they nodded again and again, "well, what you said is also..."

"I\'ve drawn up a list of people in this kitchen." Su Tongsheng, who was in charge of drawing up the allocation personnel, suddenly put down his brush.