My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 867

No longer like before, I have nothing to do except work in the field every day.

Therefore, people who build houses and those who collect sunflower seeds form a seamless connection.

Collecting sunflower seeds is not very picky. Men and women can do it.

Apart from the men who built the house, there are some idle women in the village.

Chi Ziyu confidently handed over the business of the store to Changsheng, and he went home to be responsible for the sunflower land.

The weather is getting cooler and the sun is not as hot as it was in midsummer.

However, Chi Ziyu still set up a temporary shed in the sunflower field from time to time, which provides simple stools made of long boards and tea.

Everyone\'s working time is fixed, a total of four hours.

The salary is fixed, and each person gives 70 Wen a day.

From chopping sunflower seeds to knocking sunflower seeds, these jobs are not too heavy physical work. Except for some sun drying, everything else is OK.

Therefore, not only adults but also many children came to work.

Anyway, children are idle at home. It\'s better to come out and help the family make some money and subsidize the family.

Twenty acres of fields were very close to the ground. The workers gathered in twos and threes, bent down to cut the sunflowers on their hands, and talked and laughed from time to time.

Now, in the large orange sunflower sea, the breeze is gentle, the voice is noisy, and it is very vibrant.

The cut flower plate must be put in the soil to dry.

Generally, women who bring children cooperate with two or three people. The woman is responsible for cutting and the child is responsible for releasing.

Children have a heavy heart to play. They can\'t help stopping to play. The woman has to scold them.

Qiyao also asked Wang to bring her.

Thinking of making money in the field here, Wang called all the people who could work at home, even the children.

Except Chen Xiang\'s confinement.

The two children in the family were taken to Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang took three children alone.

Chen Xiang\'s mother Peng finally had enough at Qi\'s house.

In fact, Peng was very worried that Chen Xiang was at home alone, but Wang\'s people gave her a worse face day by day, which made Peng very uncomfortable.

Peng has a thin skin and is not the kind of person who likes to take advantage of others.

She felt sorry for eating and drinking at Qijia for so long, so she went home after supporting Chen Xiang for some days.

Peng consciously left, and Wang was happy.

She endured humiliation and shouldered heavy burdens for so many days. She just wanted Peng to leave quickly.

She has long been unhappy with Peng, out of sight and out of mind.

However, the arrival of Peng has sounded an alarm to Wang.

Wang\'s attitude towards Chen Xiang was not as bad as those days when he had just given birth to a child, but his voice was a little strange. He accused Peng of being unkind.

Chen Xiang also tasted some sweetness. She didn\'t care so much about these small accusations.

"Yao Yao! Why did you go to work? Are you going to be beaten!"

Qiyao was really tired of working, so she stole a little lazy. As a result, Wang caught him.

When Wang roared so loudly, Qiyao trembled and squatted down to put sunflowers.

"Dead girl, if you can\'t finish these jobs today, you won\'t want to eat at noon!" Wang said.

"Grandma, I don\'t dare anymore." Qiyao bites her lips.

"It\'s true that Yao Yao doesn\'t want to work after taking your fourth uncle\'s money. There\'s nothing so beautiful in the world."