My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 775

It\'s a matter of course. As for such satire, she\'s greedy!

Wait, she will be able to show off her wealth in front of her in the future.

Guo Jinlian was oppressed. "Mom, I didn\'t say anything."

Two words of emotion are not enough.

"If you don\'t sit down to dinner and stand still, how can our family marry such a vulgar woman as you!"

Guo Jinlian: "

"My mother is making my sister-in-law angry today?" Wang Yinger couldn\'t help saying.

Wang raised his eyelids and immediately looked at her.

Wang Yinger tilted her mouth and ate obediently.

Qijiabao said, "OK, it\'s said that if our family is okay, don\'t go to old four.

You don\'t listen. When you see what good things they have, you go up. "

I\'m so old that I still stare at my children\'s things every day. I want to get some benefits back. I\'m not ashamed!

Wang was angry and said, "why did I go up to see what they ate in the evening.

I didn\'t ask them to give me anything. My fourth daughter-in-law didn\'t give it to me from a fortress.

If she doesn\'t give it to me, you\'ll take care of her when I\'m so shameless.

Our family doesn\'t have money to buy, as for it! "

Qijiabao: "

Who believes it? It\'s true!

Wang himself read: "I\'m so angry. I\'ve never seen so much in the mind of my fourth daughter-in-law."

Qijiabao said, "if you don\'t provoke her, she won\'t play tricks on you."

"If you don\'t speak, I won\'t treat you as a mute, dead old boss! Look what you say every day.

My son, whom I have worked hard to raise, doesn\'t know how to be filial to my mother. He knows all day that listening to an outsider can deal with me. Are you angry? "

"Mom, the fourth brother is actually very good." SIDO couldn\'t help talking.

Wang\'s eyes stared, "shut up, you!"


"If you dare to speak for them again, get out of here!

Eat inside out and feed you for nothing.

You should have been pressed to death in the urinal, so that I won\'t be angry with you when I\'m old! "

People: "

The chicken is finally roasted.

Before qixingyun took down the whole chicken, Chi Ziyu went to get some plates.

The roasted pheasant meat is crisp, soft and rotten, and the clear texture is overflowing with a glimmer of glittering and translucent oil.

It makes your fingers move when you smell it.

"What do you want to eat?" Qi Xingyun is ready to cut meat with a knife.

"I want that chicken leg."


The roast ground of pheasant legs is slightly scorched, and the outer layer of skin has fallen off half.

Qixingyun hardly cut it. It was pulled down directly. It was easy.

Qi Xingyun pulled off both chicken legs and gave them to her.

"You don\'t want one?" Asked Chi Ziyu.

"Keep it for you. The chicken is so big that I can eat something else."

He never robbed her of food.

"Well, if you don\'t want me, give it to Xiao Wang."

Qixingyun was a little surprised and his face was black: "well, OK."

Suddenly it\'s a bit like the human dog series.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t realize the difference at all.

Instead, he gave his extra chicken leg to the jealous Xiao Wang.

"Xiao Wang, come on, your favorite little chicken leg. I\'ll give you one."

Xiao Wang happily held his head up and took it, and his tail shook more than ever.

This is the pheasant it yearns for most!