My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 767

"Didn\'t the fourth man say that the construction can start in ten days.

Lao Huang, if you come back early, Lao Si won\'t start work. It\'s better to accompany your daughter-in-law at home. " Someone joked.

At that time, the men burst into laughter.

After such a long time together, we also know that Qi Xingyun is not a joker, but he does not resist others\' joking, so we have the courage.

Qixingyun had no waves on his face, but said, "we are still short of people to work on the mountain.

If any of you have finished the farm work ahead of time, you can come and tell me that I can assign you to help in the mountains first. "

"Yes, we\'ll come when we have time."

Anyway, they are all jobs that can make money. We would rather go out and do some work to make money than stay at home.

"OK, that\'s all for today\'s meeting. Let\'s go home early." Qixingyun road.

So everyone took the guys who worked for themselves and dispersed one after another.

Villagers a, B, C and D are on their way home and have a chat.

"How many days has the old fourth family built this big house? It\'s almost finished. To tell you the truth, I\'m really reluctant."

"What can we be reluctant to give up is the salary of the fourth family. We really don\'t know." A sidewalk.

"It\'s not my boast. The salary of the fourth family is really enough, which is more real than farming.

I just work here this year and earn enough money for my son to study.

My daughter-in-law now praises everyone. She no longer scolds me like before, saying I\'m useless and can\'t afford a family. "

"Yes, yes, if I didn\'t live in the field, I would like to work here every day.

I come to work every day and have money to buy meat every day. "

"The fourth man is not a big landlord. How can he build a house every day and ask us for help.

When the house is built this time, we still have nothing to do in the future. " Another said.

"Don\'t the old four all say that his family needs people to water and fertilize the mountain. We need time, but we still can\'t do it.

And his family\'s sunflowers will be collected in a month or so. I don\'t believe he doesn\'t ask for help. "

"That\'s what I said... The fourth is also a wise man. When I harvest so many things in the fields on the mountain, I really make a lot of money.

It\'s not like us. We can\'t do anything except grow our own one-third of an mu of land, and we don\'t know how to learn. "


"Old four, why don\'t you go home?"

Some villagers packed up their guys and prepared to go home. They found that qixingyun was still cleaning up the materials outside.

He carried all the missing wood outside to the house alone.

The wood is wet in the rain. It\'s a little wet and it\'s not easy to clean up.

"You go back first. I\'ll carry all the wood back to the house."

"Well, I\'ll go home."


I thought I could finish work early today, but there was a heavy rain in the afternoon, which delayed everyone a lot of time.

However, the date for the initial shutdown has been set, and the tail here must be put away today.

So the time to live in clouds has been extended to the present.

It\'s so late at this time. The little fish must have finished the chicken.

I\'m really sorry for her

Sure enough, when qixingyun got home, Chi Ziyu\'s pheasant was almost ready.