My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 757

We all know it.

Often what activities the store wants to do, Chi Ziyu will inform them in advance and give them a lot of special discounts.

The two sides have established a revolutionary friendship.

So this time I saw someone bullying Chi Ziyu, those people couldn\'t see it anymore.

"I didn\'t!" Being criticized by everyone, yueerton was so angry that she was going to cry.

"No? What are you still standing here to say? Is this your wild place?

People, little fish, treat you kindly. You\'re not allowed to pick things. You have to pick things in the Yamen. You\'re not welcome here! "

Seeing the situation, Fangfang hurried to pull yue\'er away.

"Yue\'er, let\'s go home first..."

Besides, they\'ll lose their faces.

Now the big guys are all around them. They still want faces.

Yuer was so angry that she shook off Fangfang\'s hand, "you go! I don\'t want you to care!"

Why didn\'t she see Fangfang speak out when she was misunderstood and scolded just now?

Now that she\'s been scolded bloody, did she know that she came out to be a good person to persuade?

This is not to treat her as a suffering sister at all, is it!

Well, she\'s not rare!

This is the end of friendship!

Yue\'er became more and more angry, so she ran out angrily.


Fangfang was going to catch up with her, and Aunt Zhang stopped her.

"You haven\'t paid yet." Chi Ziyu suddenly said behind her.

She\'s really drunk, too.

Ordered her smoothie and wanted to escape the order, didn\'t you? It\'s beautiful!

"We didn\'t drink!" Fangfang argued.

"But you ordered it. Whether you drink or not is none of my business. I only know that I have paid for my work and I have to collect money."


Chi Ziyu held his chest in his hands and said, "I think you are also a young lady. You have been well educated since childhood.

How can I even do something like default, or should I go to your house and ask, huh? "

"I didn\'t..."

Fangfang\'s face turned red and she had to pay for it.

"Here you are!"

I\'m so angry!

Can\'t you let her go!

After giving the money, Fangfang ran away and left.

The most honest Begonia followed.

"Little fish, it\'s not easy for you to open a shop alone. We all understand.

Don\'t worry. If someone comes to your store to make trouble in the future, we will come forward to help you. " As soon as the guests saw that they had all left, they said.

"Yes, little fish, we have known you for so long and believe in you very much.

No matter what happens, we will be on your side. "

"Thank you for believing me."

Chi Ziyu didn\'t expect that his friendship would have such a big response at the critical time. He was very moved for a moment.

"You deserve it."

Chi Ziyu is actually a very talkative person on weekdays.

She is kind and generous, and everyone has a very good impression of her.

"In that case, I\'ll treat you to drinks and snacks today.

Just tell me what you want to eat. I\'ll make it for you myself as my reward today. " Chi Ziyu smiled.

"I want to drink the litchi cream you developed two days ago."

"I\'ll have blueberry smoothie."

"I also want to drink litchi cream. The litchi cream you made is really delicious. It\'s much better than those in Western shops."

"Yes, yes, the little fish looks young. In fact, his craftsmanship is really good."

"Not only ah, little fish, but also people..."