My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 755

As for being so stingy!

"We can ask the people in her shop." Begonia on the way.

Fangfang\'s eyes lit up.

So several people went to pester Aunt Zhang to talk.

Aunt Zhang kept an eye on her. No matter how they set her up, she just avoided the topic.

"Aunt, just tell me what\'s the matter? We won\'t tell you.

We are just curious. You can\'t see your boss in your store every day, but only the boss\'s wife.

What exactly does your boss do every day? At least let\'s find out. " Fangfangjiao pestered endlessly.

She must get the trace of qixingyun today.

She has been waiting for him for several days. She must not return empty handed today.

"Their family is building a house." Aunt Zhang had no choice but to say something.

She remembered that the girl in front of her asked her this question yesterday, but she didn\'t expect to ask it again today.

"What\'s the matter? What can\'t you ask me?" Chi Ziyu suddenly came out with three cups of smoothie.

The three girls shut up tacitly.

Chi Ziyu brought the Smoothie to them brightly.

This taro smoothie is made of taro fruit powder, fresh milk, honey water and other ingredients plus smoothie.

It is also sold in other places in Jiangcheng, but the ingredients are not as complete as those of chizi fish, and the taste is not so good.

"If you girls come to drink tea, we will be a good waiter in our shop. If you have a bad heart..." Chi Ziyu paused deliberately and said coldly, "sorry, please go out and turn left instead of giving it away."

"Hey, why are you like this? We are guests in your shop. Why are you so cruel to us?" Fangfang said unhappily.

"Oh?" Chi Ziyu wondered, "it\'s not you who don\'t treat yourself as a guest. Why should I treat you as a guest?"

"We just asked a few more words and didn\'t say to rob your husband. You\'re too stingy to accommodate us!"

"Yes, I\'m so stingy. The devil wants your man!

You really treat your man as a treasure, hum! " The moon hugs injustice.

Chi Ziyu sneered and stared at them: "so it is?"

Yue\'er was seen beating drums in her heart, but she was still brave in her mouth.

"Yes! What do you want? Let\'s go back, Fangfang. We don\'t want their broken baby!

I really think we can go to heaven with our tails up after a few words of praise. Let\'s have a face, ignorant country wild woman... Ah... "

The voice did not fall, and the moon screamed.

Chi Ziyu pulled her to the front.

Condescending tunnel, "who do you say is an ignorant village woman? Say it again. En?"

The voice was flat without a ripple.

The moon scared the flowers out of color.

She struggled hard and said, "it\'s you village woman. You\'re ugly and fierce! Let go of me!"

Chi Ziyu said coldly, "make it clear, who is the village woman?"

The voice was full of threats.

As Qi Xingyun said, sometimes no matter men or women, give some color to see each other, they will understand how many kilograms they have. Do they have the ability to pick things.

The moon struggled and shouted for help.

Begonia and Fangfang retreated several steps under the threat of Chi Ziyu\'s eyes.

Yue\'er couldn\'t believe it. "Come and help me quickly!"

Begonia said from afar, "forget it, moon, don\'t worry about such people."


The moon doesn\'t believe this evil.