My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 742

From a distance, it is a flat big house.

A closer look will show that it is made up of several small houses.

The height is scattered, and the green tiles are row upon row, which has a different aesthetic feeling.

The yard is full of bricks, stones, green tiles and other building materials, which is somewhat messy.

"Go inside first." Qixingyun is on his way.


A night with a bright moon.

It\'s better outside. It\'s very bright. People can see the fields clearly.

But when I opened the gate, it was dark inside, and only a pinch of innocent moonlight spilled on the gate.

"It\'s so dark." Chi Ziyu couldn\'t help saying.

It\'s dark. She can\'t see anything clearly.

But as soon as her voice came out, it was as crisp as beads on a jade plate.

She can clearly feel the emptiness on the first floor.

"You stand here and wait a minute. I\'ll light the light."


Qixingyun went in with a wind lamp.


A few dim lights lit up in the house, and the internal pattern of the house loomed out.

Qixingyun came back to pick her up, "come in."

"Watch your step. There are a lot of materials in this room." Qi Xingyun warned.


Chi Ziyu\'s sight wandered around the room and was stunned by the pattern inside.

The first floor was empty except for a large wooden staircase rotating and extending upward.

However, there is a row of carved wooden doors in the north, which slide open.

Behind the door are several rooms, dining room, balcony, small and exquisite courtyard, cloister and servant room.

After the backyard, we have to dig a pond to raise fish and lotus.

Chi Ziyu had seen the design drawings before, and was shocked by such a unique idea at that time.

I didn\'t expect the real house to be more shocking.

She likes the spiral ladder very much.

It\'s a bit like the stairs of a big restaurant in the city, but it\'s improved by qixingyun. It feels like going up slowly.

At night, there is still a hazy atmosphere in the room, especially during the day.

"This floor is a little empty."

Apart from being empty, Chi Ziyu can\'t find any problems. It\'s perfect.

"When the house is ready, we\'ll put some things on the first floor and put your favorite flowers on it, so it won\'t be so empty." Qixingyun road.

"However, there are also advantages of being free. We can set up 30 tables on the first floor for any banquet we want to do in the future."

Qi Xingyun couldn\'t help laughing, "well, you think so long. You want to have a wine. What wine? How about another wedding? I just need to make up my bridal chamber."

Chi Ziyu couldn\'t help hating him. "You\'re dead. I mean the housewarming banquet. That\'s not what I said."

Besides, she didn\'t have such a thick skin and Qi Xingyun did another wine.

Qixingyun said with a smile, "of course, more than 40 tables can be placed."

"Can I go up on the second floor?" Chi Ziyu changed the subject.

"Yes, let\'s go."

They walked up the hollowed out spiral staircase.

This kind of stairs is very comfortable to step on. There will be no sound of footsteps.

The main purpose of the second floor is to live.

Therefore, many rooms are designed. Each room has different sizes and uses.

The biggest is the main hall.

Out of the main hall, there was a sliding carved wooden door.

Push the door open and the outside is facing a small semi-circular balcony.

People standing outside looking at the scenery can get the scenery of most of the village into their eyes.

"Let\'s go. I\'ll show you to our room first."

This room was chosen by Chi Ziyu when Qi Xingyun drew drawings.

She said to have a room with good lighting and a larger room. It\'s best to divide it into two patterns.

One sleep, one leisure, without interference with each other.