My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 727

"Landlady, someone said they wanted to find you."

"Well, I\'ll be right over."

"Madam, take a look for yourself first. If you have a suitable one, just buy it.

We are opening today. There are many activities and the prices are very favorable. "

"Well, good."

Chi Ziyu went out at ease.

"What\'s the matter?" When she opened her mouth, she saw an elegant woman standing at the door admiring their red paper poster.

The woman was followed by two low browed little servant girls and two serious guards with swords.

"Mrs. Xu?!" Chi Ziyu walked up in surprise. "I thought you weren\'t free today, madam."

Chi Ziyu asked Changsheng to send a post two days ago to invite Mrs. Xu to participate in their opening activities, but he didn\'t get a reliable reply.

"I heard that your shop is open today. I\'ll come and take some meat back." Mrs. Xu smiled.

"Why did you come alone?"

"They have been busy recently. They don\'t have time to come." Xu Fu is humane.

"Well, but it doesn\'t matter. Please come in." Chi Ziyu invited her into the shop.

"How long has it been since I saw you? Your shop has opened." Mrs. Xu was surprised, "by the way, how are you doing with those mountains?"

"The mountain has been transformed and many fruit trees and medicinal materials have been planted. When the flowers bloom in spring next year, please come and see the flowers, madam."


Several guests in the shop are shopping for plants.

Many sharp eyed guests recognized Mrs. Xu at a glance.

"Well, isn\'t that the general\'s wife?" Humane.

There is only one general\'s wife in Jiangcheng. This person is Mrs. Xu.

Her reputation has never been lower in Jiangcheng.

"Yes, it seems to be her. Why did she come today?"

"I didn\'t expect her to come to this place, too. It\'s amazing."

"It seems that the owner of this shop is really not an ordinary person..."


Chi Ziyu made a cup of herbal tea for Mrs. Xu, and they sat down at the table.

"Try it, madam."


Mrs. Xu gracefully picked up the herbal tea and swept her beautiful eyes across the rows of dazzling shelves in front of her.

She opened her lips and said, "I\'ve heard about your shop before. It\'s difficult for you to keep it so well now."

"My husband and I are people who don\'t believe in ghosts and gods, and we are not afraid of being teased by ghosts.

We only believe in our own efforts. As long as we try to do our business well, we will always attract more guests. " Late roe path.

Mrs. Xu nodded with satisfaction. "It\'s good if you have this idea. Ghosts and gods are vain talks. I\'ve always only believed in one person\'s ability."

In fact, Mrs. Huang, they didn\'t come today because they were afraid of ghosts and gods.

Mrs. Xu just said that, just to cover for them.

I don\'t know about the late fish.

She didn\'t have much hope for them at first.

It\'s hard for Mrs. Xu to come and support the gossip here.

Chi Ziyu was moved that she could put down her body like this.

"Well, madam, you\'re right."

Mrs. Xu took a sip of herbal tea and asked, "what new products and meat do you have in your shop?

Last time I brought it back, almost all of them were given away. My friends like your meat very much.

Later, I wanted to come to your house to choose meaty ones. However, I was too busy to come. "