My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 724

So Qiduo is more just listening and comforting.

Although the way is mild, in terms of longan, it is undoubtedly a good medicine to relieve depression.

"My mother is not bad. She just loves me too much."

Qi duocai couldn\'t wait to kiss her lips, neck, deeper... Her voice was vague.

Longan couldn\'t help crying, "don\'t worry... I will be filial to my mother and won\'t let you down."

Qi duocai was very satisfied, "ah yuan, I knew you knew me best. If you get a wife like this, why should your husband ask..."


Feeling deep, longan did not know what to say, only fully cooperated with the rhythm of qiduocai.

"Duocai, why haven\'t you packed your things? Do you want your mother to help you?" Wang\'s voice rang out outside the door without speculation.

Qi duocai was so frightened that he quickly withdrew from Longan\'s body, got out of bed and put on his pants.

His voice was hasty and hoarse: "Oh, it\'s better, right away."

As soon as the voice fell, Qi duocai felt very uncomfortable.

"Let me check if you have everything."

However, Wang\'s eyes were full of things about his son\'s leaving, and he didn\'t realize what was happening inside.

"No, mom, I\'ve packed everything." Qiduocai hurriedly refused.

Then he took a special look at longan.

He just entered the state with longan and was interrupted by his disappointing mother. I really don\'t know how... Disappointed!

This kind of feeling that there is no place to send when the arrow is on the string is really fatal!

Longan is also very disappointed. She is sitting on the bed with a flushed face and tidying up her skirt.

In such an embarrassing situation, she didn\'t dare to say anything, for fear that Wang knew that she came to hook up with Qi duocai in the daytime.

Fortunately, Wang didn\'t pester anymore.

"Well, come out quickly. Your big brother is waiting for you."

"Well, I see."

Then Wang\'s voice disappeared.

Qi duocai turned back. Longan was not happy with the underground bed.

She whispered, "it\'s getting late. You should start quickly."

Qi duocai swallowed his throat: "OK."

"When you are in the Academy, you teach with peace of mind. Usually you go out with your friends when you have nothing to do.

But you must remember not to go to the old fourth store. " On the way to send Qi duocai, Wang told him anxiously.

"Ah, mother, I know." Qiduocai is obedient.

"You remember, don\'t go. You saw that place. It\'s really unclean. Don\'t look back and get sick."


Qiduocai naturally has a shadow on the shops of the old four.

"There\'s still some silver here. You can buy yourself more clothes or go out to a restaurant to improve your food." Wang handed a purse.

Qi duocai took it.

"Dad, mom, you should help me take good care of ah yuan." Qi duocai said.

After a few days of getting along, Qi duocai is still very interested in longan.

In fact, it is also a good choice to marry such a gentle and generous wife as longan.

It\'s just that the family background is not good enough. It doesn\'t deserve the identity of this scholar lady.

Qi duocai often thinks of this and feels very sorry.

"Don\'t worry, we will take good care of your daughter-in-law." Wang didn\'t blink.

"You can teach in the Academy at ease. You don\'t have to worry about other things." Qijiabao also said.

Qi duocai took a look at longan.

Longan shyly lowered his head.

Her shy and timid appearance is really moving.