My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 719

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun are going back to the city for business today.

After breakfast, they took a donkey cart to go out.

My family is not surprised.

Wang frowned. "The fourth is really brainless. The shop is so unclean that he has to operate. Looking back, he doesn\'t toss his life."

Qijiabao said, "you can leave some affection under your mouth. Why do you say these frustrating words early in the morning? Maybe the old four can do a good job in that shop."

Wang smiled, "can you do it well? Who can you cheat? You forgot about your diarrhea the other day.

That shop is so dirty. I won\'t go there in the future. Even if I pass by, I won\'t pass by! "

"Mom, where are they going today?"

Longan is a newcomer. I don\'t know the internal situation of Qijia.

"Go to the city. Their family has opened a shop to do business. It\'s haunted. You\'re not allowed to go." Wang said.

Longan said, "No."

"You don\'t know. Your father and I went there last time and had lunch.

As a result, our family came back with a belly. Do you think it\'s evil? " Wang said.

"Since the shop is haunted, what else are they going to do?"

Longan is usually afraid of these ghosts. As soon as she heard Wang\'s reasonable statement, she believed it all.

"Earn the money of the dead. They think it\'s easy to earn the money of the dead. In fact, they haven\'t earned a penny since they opened the store. They deceive themselves." Wang said.

"Our family is still promising only if we have a lot of money. We can get monthly money by teaching in the academy every day. Our life is stable, and our spare time can be used to review and prepare for the exam."

Longan is very proud.

Qiduo is her husband. Wang praised her husband. She can be unhappy.

"My son will go back to the academy to teach in two days. As for you, just stay at home with me and don\'t go anywhere." But Wang said.

Longan, like a bolt from the blue, stared and said, "Mom, why don\'t you let me pass..."

She also wants to live in the city with Qi duocai after she gets married.

In this way, she can not serve her father-in-law, but also stay with Qi duocai and take care of him wholeheartedly.

Wang couldn\'t see through her mind and said, "what did you do in the past? Duocai himself lives in the Academy. Which woman have you seen go to the academy?"

"If I don\'t go, who will take care of duocai?"

"We can take care of ourselves without you." Wang said, "and the Academy provides meals. You can rest assured."

Longan felt cool, "but I\'m marrying him now..."

"So what!" Wang disdained, "it\'s you who have to pester my versatile talents. Did I let him pester him!

Now that you have chosen to be my daughter-in-law, you have to listen to me from now on, but put away your young lady\'s temper at home. Our family is not rare! "

"I..." longan\'s eyes were red.

Qijiabao sidewalk, "the third daughter-in-law, you don\'t have to worry. Our third daughter-in-law will come back several times a month. You two husband and wife can still get together."

"Dad, but I want to be with duocai."

"With what company, with you, my family has many talents and don\'t want to read." Wang\'s evil voice and evil airway.

Don\'t think she doesn\'t know the ghost idea of longan.

That\'s beautiful!

If you want to be her daughter-in-law and delay her son\'s official career, dream!