My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 706

Those old plastic sisters, who could not say anything bad about her, deliberately poked her heart.

Thinking of this, Jiang felt a burst of angina pectoris.

"Of my three daughters, the eldest married the best. They all lived in the city.

She gave birth to a son and a daughter and opened a small shop. She eats well and drinks spicy food every day. People also raise white and tender food. I don\'t know how moist the days are.

My second son, although my family is a little poor, at least he has two sons, and Lin Sheng is honest and doesn\'t dare to bully my second son\'s violent temper.

It\'s only the old third who doesn\'t work hard. At the beginning, she asked her to marry landlord Yang for happiness. She won\'t marry, but she will marry the poor man who has no ability. "

"I don\'t know what\'s wrong with that old fourth Qi. He has a bad temper and bad character. He\'s useless. He can\'t have children. He blames my daughter for not having children.

My daughters and I can have sons. Why can\'t the third come to his house? It\'s obvious that the fourth has a problem! Why blame our family!

Black heart! Now it\'s even better to make land. I dug some mountains in the village, contracted some fish ponds and had some money in my hand.

I took the opportunity to give my daughter a flat wife back. I didn\'t mean to be angry! That\'s how our chi family\'s face stretched out to fight his family! "

The more Jiang said, the more excited he became, and his face turned red with anger.

Now she can\'t wait to kill qixingyun\'s heartless man with a kitchen knife!

See if he dares to bully their late family!

I really thought they were empty!

"Mom, don\'t complain. It\'s a little fish who has no ability. He usually knows to show off his mouth and expose it at the critical time.

As I said earlier, the little fish has no eyes and refuses to marry landlord Yang. She is also a white eyed wolf. Look at her marriage for so long. When did she help our family.

Let\'s not worry about her. Her man was robbed. She deserved it!

Who told her not to listen to us! She deserved to be bullied! "

Shu Liu also answered, "your sister is so cowardly that she can\'t even control men. She asked us to follow her and be beaten in the face.

I really don\'t know what she eats. She knows that she is horizontal in her nest every day.

When you come to someone else\'s house, it\'s like a shrinking turtle. It\'s useless to slip your mouth again! "

Shu Liu\'s words were just finished. Chi Zhen\'s voice came in, "who are you talking about? Who\'s useless?"

Chi Zhen was carrying a hoe, dressed in short combat and his trouser legs rolled up slightly. It was obvious that he had just returned from work in the field.

"Laifu\'s mother, why don\'t you change your clothes? We have to prepare to go to our in laws for a drink."

Jiang Shi stared at him, "I\'m not going! I want you to go!

Don\'t lose my face. I\'ll live in the village in the future. I\'m not as cheeky as you. "

Chi Zhen tut said, "what\'s the matter? Why am I so cheeky? Isn\'t this going to drink at my in laws?

If we don\'t go, what should people in the village say about us? It\'s not even more humiliating to say that we don\'t go to the wedding in our in laws... "

"My son-in-law is robbed by other women. It\'s the most humiliating!" Jiang was filled with righteous indignation.

Chi Zhen was confused. "What, our son-in-law was robbed? Who robbed him?"

"Who else can there be? It must be GUI\'s! Old man, I think you\'re old and confused."