My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 700

They went to the vegetable market and bought a lot of vegetables.

When I got home, I saw a basket chair in the yard.

Qishuipei sits in it alone and swings happily.

When Chi Ziyu came in and lived in the water, he stopped smiling.

"Oh, sister-in-law, you just came back." Qishuipei road.

"Yes, what\'s the matter."

"Nothing." Qishuipei snorted, "my mother said to burn Guanyin water for you and my fourth brother. You should drink it quickly. Don\'t bring the bad luck to our house."

Chi Ziyu didn\'t want to say, "I don\'t drink."

"That\'s what my mother said!" Qishuipei raised his voice.

"What did my mother say? Even if the heavenly king Lao Tzu said it, I wouldn\'t drink it!"

What are they!

Isn\'t it just water made of a little ash? You really think of it as a lifesaver?

Chi Ziyu can\'t stand Wang\'s old-fashioned superstition.

Qishuipei snorted, "do you like to drink? I\'ll let my fourth brother drink!"

"Do you think your fourth brother is a fool? Just drink it yourself. Don\'t torture us!

I know you look down on our shop and are afraid of ghosts. I didn\'t ask you to come! " Chi Zi fish is not at all guest.

Just then, qixingyun came from behind with the donkey.

Chi Ziyu stopped his mouth and walked into the house.

Qishuipei went over and told qixingyun about it.

She didn\'t dare to get too close to qixingyun for fear of his bad luck.

Qi Xingyun listened and had the same attitude as Chi Ziyu, "nonsense! I don\'t drink!"

"Fourth brother, don\'t believe what my mother said! My mother is for you!

We all drank and nothing happened. Now we feel much better than when we were in your store! "


"Fourth brother, you are as stubborn as a cow. What my mother said can\'t be wrong. Guanyin water can cure all diseases.

If you don\'t drink, what if you get sick? It\'s not easy for you to earn some money. Do you still want to use it for medical treatment... "

Qixingyun ignored him and turned around and left.


Wang is still in the kitchen to collect his own goddess water like Guanyin water.

This Guanyin water is not good to drink, just like eating earth, but it really works.

After drinking, Wang felt refreshed.

The forehead is not sweating, and the hands and feet are flexible. They are several years younger.

Be sure to give old four a drink later.

As a mother, she occasionally wants to express her concern for her children, otherwise she will always lose her temper with them, showing how harsh she really is.

The world\'s parents, who do not want to make their children better.

Even if the fourth is an adopted son, the adopted son can cultivate feelings.

Wang\'s move is called winning the hearts of the people.

"Niang, the fourth brother and the fourth sister-in-law are cruel to me again!" Qishui rushes into the street.

"What\'s the matter?"

"I asked them to come and drink Guanyin water, but they didn\'t drink it."

"No?" Wang Shi left his mouth. "I don\'t know how to drink such a good thing as Guanyin water. I really don\'t have a brain. Looking back, they don\'t get sick and don\'t come to bed. They\'re so stupid."

"Yes, the fourth brother is so stupid."

Wang looked at his two bowls of gloomy Guanyin water.

These two bowls of water, one more than the other.

She plans to give one more bowl to old four and one less bowl to Chi Ziyu.

I didn\'t want to give it to Chi Ziyu at all. I was afraid that Lao Si was unhappy, so I\'d better give it to him.

"Forget it, we\'ll drink it ourselves." Wang said.

"Don\'t worry about the old four. They\'re not lucky."