My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 685

"Go, go back to the house and sleep."

Chi Ziyu struggled twice and failed.

Had to give up.

Make a final effort and say, "we haven\'t finished our watermelon yet."


Qixingyun put Chi Ziyu on the bed and looked at her again.

Chi Ziyu shifted the topic uneasily, "it\'s so hot in the room."

"Take off your clothes when it\'s hot." Qixingyun himself is taking off.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t listen to him and climbed into bed.

Soon Qi Xingyun was caught back. He bit his earlobe and said, "the bed is so big. Where else do you want to hide?"

"You\'re too hot..."

"This is not a reason."

He had moved to the neck socket and licked gently.

Chi Ziyu somewhat itched to shrink his neck. Don\'t open your face and whispered, "you seem to be eating crabs..."

Qixingyun said frankly, "the crabs are not ripe at this time, but there are crayfish."

"Then I want to eat crayfish."

"I\'ll buy it for you tomorrow." He opened his mouth and bit her.

He should have punished her for wanting to eat when it was time.

Chi Ziyu couldn\'t help but murmur. After a short memory, he said, "Oh... I want to eat spicy..."

"Whatever you like, I\'ll listen to you. You want crayfish, I just want you."

Chi Ziyu blushed: "Oh..."

Qijia baoleng didn\'t tell Wang what he saw at night. After all, it was too embarrassing.

Qijiabao only said that qixingyun would come to help, so there was nothing else.

Qijiabao took off his clothes and shoes and went to bed.

Wang didn\'t investigate too much. Recently, the third child\'s marriage tossed her heart, so she fell asleep early.

Next door.

Qi Duojin and Guo Jinlian are having a vigorous exercise.

Since Guo Jinlian was born, Qi Duojin has been like a big gray wolf. He has to catch Guo Jinlian twice every night.

Sometimes when Guo Jinlian is feeding, Qi Duojin doesn\'t care and has to come.

Guo Jinlian is also happy about this kind of thing. She doesn\'t need Qi Duojin to say anything. Guo Jinlian did it first.

After all, such a fascinating thing is not only enjoyed by the man, but also by the woman.

But most of Liang Zi didn\'t sleep at this time.

Therefore, Guo Jinlian always feeds Liangzi at the top and qiduojin at the bottom.

Her whole body trembled and her heart was about to fly out.

When Liang Zi was full of milk, he almost fell asleep.

Qi Duojin hurriedly took Liang Zi aside.

Now he galloped wantonly with Guo Jinlian in his arms.

Guo Jinlian screamed excitedly. Obviously, she could not bear it, but she kept urging Qi Duojin to hurry up.

Fortunately, Liang Zi is like a dead pig every time he falls asleep. He can\'t wake up. Otherwise, Qi Duojin will jump out of his feet with anger.

When she was full of happiness, Guo Jinlian didn\'t forget her daily questions.

"I ask you, do you love me more or the little bitch Wang Yinger more?"

Qi Duojin was excited and said without hesitation, "of course it\'s you. I\'m going to be so happy... Ah..."

Qi Duojin couldn\'t help roaring, and Guo Jinlian screamed and convulsed.

"Then you are not allowed to go to that little bitch or sleep in her house in the future, do you hear?" Guo Jinlian lost her temper.

"I know. Look at her big yellow face now. I\'m not interested in looking for her. I feel sick when I see her." Qi Duojin said disgustingly.