My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 679

The room is full of green plants and spring.

Years are quiet.

It has been like this for several days. They are always very elegant.

It was as if they were not opening a shop, but coming to have fun.

Someone was attracted and unknowingly walked to the door. He wanted to go in and have a look, but he was dragged away by others.

"Don\'t go in. This is a haunted shop. Be careful to go in and cause bad luck..."

"But this shop is really good..."

"No matter how good you are, life is the most important..."


This day.

Qixingyun and Chi Ziyu are finalizing the overall and interior design of the house. Suddenly, a voice came from the door.

"Are you hiring?" A man in plain clothes came in.

Chi Ziyu raised his head first and said happily, "yes, do you have this intention?"

The man smiled awkwardly, "I haven\'t done anything like this. I don\'t know if I can..."

"Of course, we can teach without experience, as long as you are willing to learn." Chi Ziyu warmly welcomed him.

"I\'d like to learn! I\'d love to!" The man was very excited when he heard about it.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t expect the man\'s attitude to be so positive. He hurriedly welcomed him to the tea table and sat down.

Qi Xingyun poured him a glass of watermelon juice.

The man looked nervously at Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun for several times and said, "thank you."

"You\'re welcome. Drink a cup of watermelon juice to quench your thirst." Qixingyun gentle way.


The man seemed thirsty and drank a cup of watermelon juice.

Qixingyun had to pour it for him. He shook his head and said, "no, I was just too thirsty. It\'s too sunny. Now... I\'m not thirsty now..."

"I just passed by your house and saw your house hiring. I came in. I want to work in your store. I will work hard!"

"What\'s your name?" Qi Xingyun asked.

"My name is Changsheng. I live near Jiangcheng."

"Have you heard the old rumors in our shop?" Chi Ziyu asked.

She doesn\'t mind being honest with everyone who comes to apply. After all, they should know these things sooner or later.

"I know. I\'ve heard about it." Changsheng nodded heavily, "I\'m just a rough man. I\'m not afraid of these. I just want to make money."

"What did you do before?" Qixingyun road.

"I haven\'t done anything before. I\'ve been farming at home and I don\'t have much income at home.

But now my daughter-in-law has given birth to twins, and my parents\' health is much worse than before. Now I am the head of the family and have to work hard to support them. " Changsheng Road.

Qixingyun nodded approvingly, "yes."

Changsheng looked excited. "Do you mean I can work in your house?"


"We will provide accommodation."

"But I want to go home with my daughter-in-law every day..."

Qixingyun didn\'t expect that he was a homely man. He smiled, "it\'s OK."

"That\'s good, that\'s good... Thank you."

"Let\'s sign a deed first."


Changsheng signed a one-year deed with them.

There is a promise in the deed that if Changsheng performs positively in this year, they will reward him with additional wages.

But if they show slack, they will let them go.

In the process of signing the deed, Qi Xingyun introduced himself and Chi Ziyu.

Chang Sheng actively called the boss and the boss\'s wife.