My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 676

Chi Ziyu immediately raised his hand and swore, "I won\'t say it either."

Qixingyun took her hand with a smile. "I know you won\'t say it. Don\'t swear to me."

"Do you still miss your parents now?" Chi Ziyu asked carefully, not wanting to touch too many scars.

"There\'s nothing to think about. My mother is dead."

Qi Xingyun says that the earth is light and the clouds are light.

But Chi Ziyu could see the lonely color on his face.

I can\'t help feeling sad. Chi Ziyu comforted him, "it\'s all right. At least you now have new parents, brothers and I\'ll accompany you."


Although qijiabao and Wang are not close, they can somehow make up for the vacancy of some qixingyun\'s inner family affection.

Just... Chi Ziyu suddenly remembered that since Qi Xingyun\'s mother is dead, what about his father?

Why did my father have the heart to abandon him? He is such a sensible and excellent person.

These doubts are stuck in Chi Ziyu\'s heart and can\'t be solved.

Chi Ziyu would like to ask Qi Xingyun about more.

But she knows her problems should stop. She has broken through the bottom line of qixingyun today.

His parents must have been his nightmares.

Otherwise he wouldn\'t have kept silent for so many years.

"Are you sleepy? Let\'s go back to bed." Chi Ziyu forced himself to change the topic.

Qixingyun just didn\'t want to talk about these, so he said, "OK."

Chi Ziyu got off the rattan chair first, "where are we going tomorrow?"

"Let\'s go to the city. Our shop hasn\'t been cleaned up yet. If we have a house, we\'ll prepare it after we finish drawing."

"That\'s OK."

The next day.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun went to Jiangcheng.

The shop they bought still needs to be cleaned up.

This clean-up is a whole day.

In fact, Chi Ziyu has stayed in the shop for a long time and doesn\'t think it\'s scary.

Just like an ordinary shop.

At most, the demons and ghosts from other people\'s mouths make everyone feel a little bumpy.

Chi Ziyu is actually very satisfied with the store. Its geographical location is very good.

The backyard is also big enough. At that time, Chi Ziyu can send the flowers and plants of his family to the backyard to bask in the sun.

In addition to cleaning up the shop, they also went to the plaque shop to find someone to customize a shop plaque.

As for the name of the store.

Qixingyun said that the shop is called small fish and flowers.

Chi Ziyu, who was still thinking about what to call his shop, suddenly became enlightened.

Although the name of qixingyun shop is simple and rough, it suits Chi Ziyu\'s heart.

It\'s not a change to claim that she is the hostess of the shop.

So the two hit it off, and the little fish and flowers were born.

After customizing the plaque, they have to buy some utensils and materials.

Wood, bamboo, copper

In order to purchase suitable appliances, they ran in the streets and alleys of Jiangcheng for several days. The owner was better than the west, just to purchase the appliances they were satisfied with.

There are constant storms here.

Wang and qijiabao went to the GUI family to propose marriage and asked longan to marry qiduocai as a concubine. Han and longan refused to live or die.

Wang was also determined not to give in at the beginning.

Finally, Han cried and said that he would go to Jiangcheng Yamen and go to court with them.

Wang was a little afraid.

This matter is related to the future official career and reputation of the third scholar of her family.

No matter how rude and unreasonable Wang was, he didn\'t dare to gamble with the old three\'s life.