My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 674

"Eat, eat, eat! Why don\'t you die!" Wang said.

"What\'s the matter? I\'m dead. Liang Zi still has to feed."

Before the words fell, Wang glanced at her, "don\'t think that if you sit for a month and I don\'t call you much, your tail can go up to heaven. I tell you, go to work in the field tomorrow!"

"If I go down to the ground, who will feed Liang Zi\'s milk?" Guo Jinlian was not satisfied.

Liang Zi is her talisman.

Every time Wang loses his temper with her, she will move out of Liang Zi.

"I don\'t need you to feed. Wang Yinger doesn\'t have milk!" Wang said.

"She\'s such a dirty person. I don\'t want her milk to dirty my beam." Guo Jinlian said.

Wang gave her another vicious eye knife.

Guo Jinlian was too frightened to speak.

"All right, stop arguing and have a good meal." Qijiabao said, "this time, old four is building a new house. Come back, boss, you will go to old four\'s house with me to help."

"What are you going to? Don\'t do anything at home? No one is allowed to go!" Wang said.

Qijiabao looked at her helplessly, "look at you, you are like this again. We should be better to the fourth."

"Why? I\'m not good enough to him! I\'ve given him land, land and house. What\'s wrong with me.

Besides, I\'m his mother. It\'s too late for him to serve me. Why should I serve him! "

"You are really... The benevolence of women!" Qijiabao was speechless.

Wang didn\'t care about qijiabao\'s mood. "Old man, I tell you, if you dare to take someone to help old four, you see if I\'m finished with you!"


Qijiabao is very opposed to Wang, but he can\'t say anything about her.

Others are even more afraid to have any opinions.

Qi duocai said, "Mom, my business hasn\'t been solved yet."

"Aren\'t they eager to bring their daughter to the door? I\'ll go to his house tomorrow and tell them to let longan marry you as a concubine." Wang said.

Hearing the speech, Guo Jinlian snickered, "longan is not a good-looking person. It\'s pretty good. How can you only be a concubine."

"Just like her? She deserves our talents? It\'s beautiful!" Wang\'s face was disdainful.

"What my mother said is the same. The third brother is a scholar. Now he can be a teacher in Bailu Academy. Ordinary people don\'t deserve him." Guo Jinlian flattered.

"Mom, I\'m going to the Academy tomorrow. I can\'t go with you." He has many talents.

"You don\'t have to go. I\'ll go with your father." Wang said, "what else do you want to be a concubine? I\'m willing to let her marry to our house. They should burn Gao Xiang."


"Third brother, if you go to the Academy tomorrow, when can you come back?"

"It seems that we take a rest every ten days." Qiduocai said, "anyway, you can come back several times a month."

"Old three, you won\'t have so much time to concentrate on your studies when you teach in the Academy. You can\'t fall behind in your homework." Qijiabao said earnestly.

"Ah, Dad, I know. I\'ll study hard."

"That\'s good." Qijiabao nodded with satisfaction.


The four fields are quiet and dotted with stars.

After dinner, Chi Ziyu nestled in the basket rattan chair and closed his eyes to rest.

The moonlight leaked, the leaves whirled, and the light spot surged.

Chi Ziyu thought the basket cane chair was hard, so he specially paved several soft cushions on it, leaned and sat.