My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 671

"What about the old four?" Wang was worried.

"Let\'s see how old four reacts first." Qijiabao said, "if he really wants to talk about it, we can\'t help it."

"How can I do that? Even if I\'m not his mother, you\'re still his father. We\'ve been eating and drinking for more than ten years. He can\'t just turn his face and refuse to recognize people." Wang Shi said sadly.


"No." Wang\'s spirit flashed, "when the old four really want to say it, we\'ll kill him and don\'t recognize it. Anyway, he has no evidence to say I\'m not pro."

Wang is also very tangled about whether the fourth is his own.

At the beginning, I didn\'t like it. Wang also treated Lao Si as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh.

But they are useful.

People are smart, learn everything quickly and do it easily.

No matter what Wang thinks of him as a wild species, he can\'t deny the great benefits he has brought.

Moreover, Wang has raised his fourth son so much that he has made great achievements. As a result, he suddenly turned his face and didn\'t recognize people. Who would be reconciled!

But fortunately, only she and qijiabao know the secret.

Others think qixingyun is their own. At that time, qixingyun won\'t be able to go anywhere.

"Look again." Qijiabao road.

Wang glanced. "Forget it. If I don\'t tell you something, I\'ll go out and get some air. I\'m really suffocating in the house."

In order to whisper, the doors and windows were closed, and the house was suffocated.


When Wang went out, qijiabao put down his cigarette gun and slowly spit out a white fog with a melancholy look on his face.

Before long, qijiabao stood up and went around to the bed.

He bent down and made a effort, and the big bed moved a little.

Qijiabao reached in and took out a rag bag.

Qijiabao carefully held the small cloth bag and gently opened it.

In the cloth bag lies a white transparent Pisces jade pendant with exquisite carving.

There is also a big gold ingot, which is very heavy.

Qijiabao only picked up the jade pendant and looked at it carefully in front of him. The glory flowed.

A word was engraved on the jade pendant.


Qijiabao didn\'t know the word. Later, he wrote down the strokes of the word and asked a scholar.

Scholars say that this word is Nian Si.

Qijiabao doesn\'t know what this division means.

Looking at the jade pendant, his mind suddenly returned to more than ten years ago.

One rainy night, he came home from the inn.

A stranger covered in blood suddenly stopped him and handed four or five-year-old Qi Xingyun into his hand.

The stranger gave him a big gold ingot and Pisces jade pendant, asking him to take good care of Qi Xingyun all his life.

Then the stranger staggered away.

However, qijiabao can see that the man is seriously injured. It\'s not easy to persist for so long. Maybe his life is over

It\'s been too long.

At that time, too many details, qijiabao has gradually forgotten.

I only remember that at that time, Qi Xingyun\'s eyes were very deep and stubborn.

Obviously, he was just a child, but his whole body revealed maturity and reticence that did not belong to his age.

Qijiabao guessed that qixingyun must have experienced a lot of unbearable past.

Because when he arrived at qijiabao, he had a serious illness without warning, and he almost got sick.