My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 654

People: "

Chi Ziyu himself was shocked, "this... I just drank..."

"What are you afraid of? I haven\'t drunk before."

Qixingyun didn\'t think so, so he calmly took a sip of wine.

Wang secretly rolled his eyes: hypocritical!

As soon as his mind turned, he immediately took a pinch of cauliflower for Chi Ziyu.

"You can\'t drink. The fourth daughter-in-law, eat more vegetables. This is cauliflower." Wang said, "this cauliflower is planted by our family. Your family doesn\'t grow this."

"No." Late roe path.

"Then try it quickly. The cauliflower is delicious."

Chi Ziyu looked at the cauliflower in the bowl and hesitated.

Wang\'s behavior today is too abnormal.

It\'s not a shady conspiracy to persuade wine and vegetables.

Seeing that she couldn\'t use chopsticks, Wang smiled, "you shouldn\'t think our dishes are not as delicious as yours."


"Then why don\'t you eat?"

"I feel dizzy. Maybe I\'ve just drunk too much wine. I want to go back and have a rest. Eat." Chi Ziyu suddenly held his forehead and couldn\'t tunnel.

"Don\'t try to prevaricate us, my fourth daughter-in-law. I know you have a problem with us.

I also know that I haven\'t done well enough in some places. I\'m not trying to correct it. How can you hold on to our mistakes? " Wang\'s first mover system.

Chi Ziyu rubbed his forehead silently, seemingly dizzy.

"Mom, don\'t worry. I\'m really dizzy. The flower carving has too much stamina..."

Wang snorted, "that\'s all right. If you\'re really dizzy, go back and have a rest."


Chi Ziyu winked at Qi Xingyun and said, "I\'ll go back first."

Qixingyun understood her meaning and gave her a stable look response.

"Let me help you back."

"No, you sit here and eat, and we finally get together with our parents.

How can I disturb your appetite for dinner? I\'ll go first. " Late roe path.


"It\'s dark at night. Be careful, old fourth daughter-in-law." Wang was considerate.

"I see."

Longan saw that Chi Ziyu left without drinking two mouthfuls of wine, and secretly complained.

Chi Ziyu doesn\'t eat wine, and Qi Xingyun helps her out.

She didn\'t eat wine, but she had to hold on to it, otherwise the residents thought she wasn\'t friendly enough to their family.

After thinking about it, longan decided to dry the bowl of flower carving at one go.

Work hard.

"Cough..." longan was choked with tears, burning in his throat and stomach.

"Longan girl, you\'re choking on wine! Are you okay?" Wang was shocked and said.

Longan shook his head with tears, "this wine is so hot, cough..."

"I didn\'t expect that you can\'t drink so much. Our flower carving wine is really not strong.

You see, I can drink it. I\'ll be fine if I drink it. " Wang pretended.

"Aunt, my head is so dizzy."

Longan found that he and Chi Ziyu had the same drunken symptoms.

"Why don\'t you come to our house first and have a rest. I\'ll ask Peier to take you back later."

Longan was dizzy and couldn\'t hear anything. She just nodded in confusion, "HMM."

"Pei\'er." Wang said helplessly, "please help the longan to lie in your room for a while. The child is really dizzy with wine."