My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 625

Finally I saw longan.

A very thin and lovely little girl sat quietly in the corner.

The eyebrows and eyes are low, the skin is white, and the appearance is very beautiful.

As soon as Li Hei saw longan, he couldn\'t open his eyes at once.

It\'s so beautiful... He sighed in his heart.

Longan had been secretly looking at Qi duocai who was talking to Qi Duojin.

Inadvertently looked up, but noticed Li Hei\'s hot line of sight.

Longan frowned in disgust, said something to Han, and went out alone.

She doesn\'t want to see Li Hei.

It\'s ugly and so dark.

Just looked at her like a toad saw meat.

His eyes are full of pure light, which is really disgusting.

Such an ugly man is a natural couple with qishuipei.


"Little fish, you and old four will sit at the table with us." Jiang planned to take a seat for dinner, so he specially ran to call Chi Ziyu.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun just saw the excitement of qiduocai, so they went to the kitchen.

At this moment, Chi Ziyu was dragged out by Jiang.

"Mom, you really don\'t see me serving dishes." Chi Ziyu is really angry with Jiang\'s unreasonable.

"What do you want? Look at your dead old woman sitting in the house and chatting with the Li family of GUI family.

As for you, who are you working hard against the sun? It\'s stupid not to ask others to do it. " Jiang\'s way.

"That\'s my business..."

While talking, Jiang had dragged Chi Ziyu to the table and sat down.

"Where\'s the fourth? Where has he gone?" Chi Zhen asked when he saw that only Chi Ziyu came alone.

As soon as the voice fell, the voice of qixingyun came, "I\'m here."

"The son-in-law is coming. Come quickly and sit next to the little fish." Jiang\'s eyes brightened and hurriedly said hello.


Qi Xingyun sat down next to Chi Ziyu.

"I said that you two husband and wife really are. What are you busy doing when they are going to have dinner? Just sit down and eat with us today and talk happily." Jiang said.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun didn\'t connect.

Jiang asked again, "where is the GUI family\'s idea?"


Jiang\'s lips curled and she didn\'t have a good airway. "The dead old woman is really sick. I didn\'t see my son-in-law hurt the little fish so much. She even had to get involved..."

"Mother." Chi Ziyu pulled her sleeve and motioned her not to talk nonsense.

It\'s impolite to scold someone\'s mother in front of his son.

Jiang looked at Qi Xingyun and said meaningfully, "son-in-law, I don\'t know if you want to marry another one, but my mother-in-law\'s ugly words are ahead.

If you dare to abandon my little fish, I will come to your house when I die. If you dare to cross the river and tear down the bridge, I dare to ruin your reputation in the village! "

She can\'t let Chi Ziyu lose their face!

"I won\'t marry again." Qixingyun said, "mother-in-law can rest assured."

Jiang Shi groaned with his nose, "I\'m relieved? I\'m relieved to have a fart. Which of you men is not a fancy radish. I gave you all the meat that fell off me.

Whether she lives or dies in the future, she will be your home. If you dare to drive the little fish back, I won\'t recognize her. "

"Little fish can\'t be driven back in her life. She follows me, and I can\'t let her suffer any injustice." Qi Xingyun said.