My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 617

"Has your mother-in-law changed this time?" Guo Yi asked in an incredible whisper.

"I gave birth to a fat grandson. I\'m a great hero of their family. My mother-in-law is not good to me. Who else can I be good to? Parents, do you think..."

Wang was flattered by Guo Jinlian and went away with his basket.

When he returned to his house, Wang began to check the gifts of the Guo family.

I found that there were more than 20 eggs, two kilograms of brown sugar, two kilograms of white sugar and two kilograms of white flour in the basket.

All the gifts were delivered this time. Wang was quite surprised.

There was no hope for the Guo family. After all, they were really poor.

A large family with seven or eight mouths to eat.

There are only two labors. They are still lazy and can\'t afford to support so many mouths at all.

In previous years, they did a good job at home. The gifts sent by the Guo family were the most shabby and the least on the table.

At first, Wang was filled with righteous indignation. The gift was so thin that he didn\'t look like an in laws.

She wanted to settle accounts with the Guo family, but one year she went to the Guo family in person, and Wang gave up the idea.

It\'s not easy for a family like the Guo family to live to this day... Let them go.

Seeing that the children of the Guo family are old, his family\'s gifts can finally be on the table this year. At least they didn\'t lose their face.

The old five, six and seven of Guo Jinlian\'s family are all children and have a heavy heart to play.

As soon as I came to my sister\'s house, I took Qijia as my own home.

The three children ran around the house, turning over this and that, beating and making noise.

In the twinkling of an eye, he rushed into the kitchen and saw the dishes in the basin. His feet looked like nails and couldn\'t walk any more.

Several children swallowed their saliva and looked around.

While no one found out, he secretly picked up several pieces of meat and stuffed them into his mouth.

I almost choked myself to death by swallowing.

"Eh, whose children are stealing vegetables here?" Chi Ziyu happened to see this scene.

The three children immediately hid their oily hands behind them and wiped their hands behind their clothes.

Chi Ziyu was condescending and took a panoramic view of the small movements of these people.

I\'m not angry, but it\'s kind of funny. "I\'ll have dinner later. I can\'t live without your food. Why do you steal it?"

The fifth brother of the Guo family said, "but we are so hungry."

Chi Ziyu looked at Lao Wu and asked, "what\'s your name?"

"My name is Guo Bailian. I\'m eleven years old."

Chi Ziyu suddenly said, "your sister is my second sister-in-law Jinlian."

"Uh huh." All three children nodded their heads.

"You didn\'t have breakfast?"

The three children shook their heads together.

"Why not eat?"

"My mother said that we had no rice to cook at home. She asked us to eat less and go back to my big sister\'s house at noon." Old six quickly interrupted.

Old seven blinked his watery eyes and looked at Chi Ziyu.

The three children are really skin and bones. They are so thin that they seem to fall to the ground as soon as the wind blows.

Later, he was still very poor and poor make complaints about the family.

But I didn\'t expect that the Guo family was so poor

The poor couldn\'t even eat enough.

It\'s incredible!

No wonder Guo Jinlian has a greedy habit.