My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 586

It happened that Liang Zi was also crying in the room, one big and one small, playing double, which was really torture.

Guo Jinlian peered out impatiently and saw Qi shuipei sitting sadly on the chair combing her hair. The whole person was shocked.

"Ah! Shuipei, who did you catch? It\'s too miserable!" Guo Jinlian saw qishuipei so embarrassed for the first time.

"Get out of here! What are you looking at! Watch me dig your eyes again!" Qishuipei roared without raising his head.

Guo Jinlian trembled at her feet and said nothing. He said with a smile, "don\'t let the fourth brother and sister fight..."

"Get out! Get out! Get out!"


Guo Jinlian guessed that it must be like this. For a moment, she was surprised and happy. She happily went back to the house to feed her breast.

It\'s as gratifying as revenge. With such an annoying face as Qi shuipei, she doesn\'t want to clean her up day after day.

When Wang came back from picking vegetables outside, Qi shuipei had sorted himself out.

But the nail marks on his face can\'t be covered, and several red marks stand out.

Chi Ziyu has seen how cruel he is today.

It\'s good if Qi shuipei can pick up a life and come back today.

"Pei\'er, what\'s the matter with your face? Who hit you?" Wang asked strangely.

"It\'s not all that smelly woman!" Qi shuipei said fiercely, "I hate her. I want to be at odds with her! I must drive her away!"

Wang\'s face sank. "Is there any royal method? She beat you like this. I must teach her a lesson today!

I dare to beat my daughter when I\'m incompetent. It\'s a black heart and rotten lung! Be damned! "

"Mother, don\'t go!" Qi shuipei said, "you don\'t see what that woman looks like today. Even I can\'t beat her. Don\'t let her press on the ground when you go."

"She dares!"

"She\'s crazy! She bites like a mad dog. Why don\'t you dare? My eldest and second brothers are not at home. If you go, you can\'t win later. Who can help you?"

Wang: "

Qishuipei ground his teeth, "we must get longan home this time, no matter what method we use.

I don\'t believe I\'m still sick of that bad woman. Her kind of black hearted bitch deserves to be my fourth sister-in-law, not as good as pigs and dogs! I\'m going to disgust her! "

Wang\'s anger was hard to calm. "If your third brother and they were at home, I would rush over with a kitchen knife and kill her now. She would rebel!"

"I think she wants to die by herself! See how I deal with her in the future! Bah, shameless dirty goods!"

Come back in the evening.

Chi Ziyu told him exactly what happened this afternoon.

"Anyway, I did it today with her attitude of death and life. If she dares to laugh at me, I dare to make her never laugh again." Chi Ziyu said without guilt.

She is not the one to be beaten and scolded casually. If others bully her, she will definitely double it back.

Qishuipei has long been unhappy with him. Who else can blame him for hitting the muzzle of a gun today!

"Good fight. If I hadn\'t been bad at one of her girls, I would have beaten her."

Qi Xingyun was very relieved, "but you weren\'t hurt by her."

"I was accidentally caught by her hand. It\'s nothing. I\'ve been drugged."


In the main room.

Both qi Duojin and Qi duodi are commenting on Qi shuipei\'s injury.