My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 552

"Anyway, he\'s a commander. He doesn\'t have to do anything himself. He has a lot of time. If he really wants to do something, you can\'t control it."

"Elder sister." Chi Ziyu frowned and stared at her gloomily.

Chi Zijiang shut up.

Chi Ziyu doesn\'t like Chi Zijiang\'s voice.

It sounds like I want something to happen to her family.

The eldest sister doesn\'t speak very well. She usually sucks up to people. Why is it like a crow\'s mouth today? Everything that doesn\'t sound good jumps out

Is she jumping off the wall?

Chi Zijiang changed the subject again, "by the way, you said you haven\'t sold much meat recently. What are you doing at home? Raising chickens every day? What about more meat? It\'s really rotten in the mud?"

If so, Chi Zi Jiang Ning would like to let Chi Zi fish sell in her shop.

After all, what a win-win thing!

Why lose your temper and quit.

But belfry has long been rare.

Chi Zijiang could not beg so humbly for her dignity. It seemed that she had no face and depended on others.

"No." Chi Ziyu didn\'t want to reveal too much, but simply said, "what about more meat? I have my own plan. What are you worried about, sister?"

Chi Zijiang smiled, "I care about you. You say you don\'t have a shop in the city and don\'t want to sell things here. I\'m afraid I\'ll eat you.

You don\'t know. I think of you from the bottom of my heart. It\'s your blessing that you can cooperate with me for so long.

If you really want to change someone else, you can see who will take care of you and count the money for you. There must be no one! People are dangerous. You don\'t know. Don\'t even think about it... "

"That\'s not necessarily true." Chi Ziyu said faintly, "if you don\'t stay here, you will stay here."

Chi Zijiang\'s face turned white, "..."

Really lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot!

What else can Chi Zijiang say.

No more.

Forget it, that\'s it.

If she clung to others again, it seemed that she was very wrong.

Be a man with backbone.

Chi Zijiang said she wanted to prove it with facts.

Chi Ziyu\'s termination of the contract with her today is an extremely wrong decision. Sooner or later, she will regret that she can\'t earn money.

"Elder sister, I have something else to do, so I\'ll go first." Chi Ziyu had nothing to say, so he said goodbye to her.

Besides, it\'s just arguing about some trivial things.

Chi Zijiang doesn\'t feel tired, and Chi Ziyu is very tired.

Chi Zijiang returned to his senses and immediately said with a smile, "well, OK."

Chi Zijiang.

One advantage is that no matter how much opinion she has about people, she still looks like a smiling tiger on the surface.

And her smile is very professional. One second before she smiled, she turned her face and the smile disappeared.

Chi Ziyu has something to do today.

She went to the store and bought a few kilograms of kraft paper.

I also went to the shop specializing in playing cotton and bought several beds of seven Jin cotton quilts, which were used to keep warm.

The heat of the Kang itself is not easy to grasp, so Chi Ziyu needs a cotton quilt to keep the temperature constant.

At present, Chi Ziyu can only think of these preparations for hatching eggs, and she needs to find out the rest slowly in the process.

Chi Ziyu couldn\'t bring back the cotton quilt alone, so he asked the people with donkey carts in the village to take it back.