My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 487

The fourth gave him some pocket money. It looks like a lot.

Fourth, did you take the wrong medicine today? Did you even remember to care about him?

No, the fourth said it was the intention of his sister-in-law.

In addition to the surprise, Qi duocai inevitably feels guilty.

At first, for his own interests, he cheated his sister-in-law with his mother and slandered her for stealing her own jade pendant.

Although later, Chi Ziyu was not trapped, but poked out his visit to the brothel, so that he couldn\'t lift his head for a long time and resented Chi Ziyu.

Anyway, the beam between their two houses has come to an end.

So qiduocai never expected how good Sifang could be to him

Unexpectedly, it\'s strange that the four rooms took the initiative to show their kindness this time.

In the twinkling of an eye, Qi duocai told Wang about it.

Wang Shi said, "if he gives you silver, you should take it well. This is what he should give. In the future, when you become a senior official, he will follow you and get benefits. The silver will be less."

Qi duocai thought about it, so he was not very excited.

"You go to bed early, and you have to get up early and go out tomorrow."

"I see, mother."


After finishing the work at hand, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun also lay down and slept.

"While we have time tomorrow, let\'s go to the river to pick up mussels. We haven\'t had time to accompany you these days. You must be greedy." Qixingyun road.

Chi Ziyu patted him on the chest, "I\'m not greedy. I really want to eat. I must have picked up mussels long ago."

"Oh, then don\'t go. You don\'t eat anyway."

"No, I want to eat."

"Well, well, then go and pick it up. After picking it up, go and see what our mountains look like. Then we\'ll make a new plan."


The next day.

the sky is clear and bright.

Qiduo went out of the house early with his baggage on his back.

Qijia\'s family was mighty, and Leng sent him to the entrance of the village.

Along the way, Wang burst into tears and kept telling Qi duocai to be careful.

The fact that Qi duocai went to the capital for the exam completely caused a sensation in the whole village.

Some people are still eating. Out of curiosity, they come to see the excitement with their jobs.

The village head also came in person and sent Qi duocai to the exam.

The village head said to Qi duocai, "duocai, you are the hope of our village. Our whole village, you have the ability to go to the capital for an examination. When you get famous, my village head also has light on his face."

Qi duocai was full of confidence. "Don\'t worry, village head. I will definitely pass the examination. I will give a long face to the people in our village at that time."

"Good... Good... Have ambition, village head. I appreciate you."

"Village head, to tell you the truth, when we come back from the exam this time, our village must be famous in the whole Jiangcheng. Think about it, how many people can be admitted in Jiangcheng over the years." Wang said proudly.

"In our village, we\'d better prepare a big red cannon early. Please prepare the gongs, drums and suona, and wait for our old three to come back, put on a table of people raising banquet, and invite all the senior officials in the river city.

Especially what... Lord! It was not easy for us to raise another person in Jiangcheng. The city Lord must be happy to hide in the quilt... "Wang added.

Referring to the city Lord, Wang thought of Sifang. He didn\'t know what shit luck they stepped on. He could still make friends with such a noble family.