My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 474

Qi Duojin comforts himself.

Cicadas hissing in my ears, and the sound of river water not far away is clear and Ding Dong.

The dazzling sunlight leaked from the gap between the green leaves, mottled.

White clouds stretch and the sky is clear.

The temperature is a little hot. People can sweat when they are exposed to the sun.

Summer is coming

When I saw a figure coming in front of me driving a donkey cart, it was very like qixingyun.

Later I was convinced that it was him.

Qi Duojin immediately turned down the tree roots and came to the roadside with a smile to say hello, "it\'s you, fourth brother. When did you go to the street, how did you come back..."

The voice didn\'t fall.

Qixingyun looked straight at him as if he hadn\'t seen him, and drove a donkey cart past him.

The place where the wheels rolled over was filled with wind and dust.

Qi Duojin ate his mouth full of dust.

"Bah, bah, bah..." Qi Duojin gave a mouthful of loess.

Chi Ziyu, sitting on the donkey cart, was a little sorry, so he said hello to him, "second brother, why are you here?"

"I\'m resting here..." Qi Duojin said with a smile.

Xindao is still a gentle and considerate sister-in-law, and can cook. I don\'t know how old four stepped on shit luck and married her.

He hurried to drive his donkey cart to keep up with Qi Xingyun.


The donkey cart stopped at the door.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun worked together to carry the fry box in.

Qishuipei came out to watch the excitement. "Fourth brother, what did you buy on the street today?"

"Fry." Qixingyun road.

"What do you do with fish fry?"

"Fish farming."

"You don\'t have a fish pond. Where can you raise it?"

"In the field."

Qishuipei was silent and soon surprised, "are you raising fish in the field?"

Qishuipei heard for the first time that someone was raising fish in the field, so he followed qixingyun and said, "can you do it? Fish won\'t be killed?"

"Just try." Chi Ziyu interrupts.

Qi shuipei said, "fourth brother, what else did you buy today besides fish?"

Qi Xingyun didn\'t answer. Obviously, he didn\'t want to answer this question at all.

Chi Ziyu glanced at her and said, "I don\'t have to report what I bought."


Qi shuipei was so angry that he stopped talking.

"Oh, I\'m back!" Qi Duojin\'s voice came from the door, "fourth brother, what did you buy today? Why are there so many boxes."

While talking, Qi Duojin had led the donkey with the body unloaded into the yard.

Qishuipei saw that he also came back, so he hurried to follow him.

Qi Duojin took the donkey to the donkey shed.

"Hey, second brother, did you find anything new when you followed my fourth brother today?" Qishuipei asked in a low voice.

"What you can find is to go to the restaurant and sell those animals." Qiduojin road.

He followed here.

Then let the people of Baihua building intercept it.

Think about it and regret it.

The fourth younger brother is so skillful that even his own brother dares to pit like this. His means are very bad.

It\'s too much money to say unless you have to.

It\'s like killing eight hundred enemies and losing one thousand.


"No more."

"Then my fourth brother and they didn\'t go anywhere else."

"Wherever they can go, they have so many things in their hands."

Qishuipei hesitated. "Fourth brother, he bought fish fry today and said he raised them in the field."

"Our family doesn\'t have a fish pond. We can eat whenever we want. What do you envy?"

"You are such a fool!" Qi shuipei hates that iron is not steel.

They also raise fish in the fields.