My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 471

Qi Xingyun used to sell him a few hundred liang of silver at most, but this time he broke a thousand directly.

But speaking of it, qixingyun brought more herbs this time than before.

In the past, the price was low because the quantity was too small.

The quantity accumulated this time, and the unit price was not low, so the total price went up.

The answer as like as two peas in the cloud, and the voice, nodded, "well."

"If you don\'t trust me, I can check again."

"No." Qi Xingyun said, "I believe in your character, Dr. Zhang."

Actually, I know.

"OK." Doctor Zhang was very happy. "That\'s two thousand eight hundred Liang. I\'ll get you a silver ticket. Please wait a moment."

The amount of silver is a little large. It\'s more realistic to take a silver note with a large denomination.


In the hundred flowers building.

In full view of the public, a man was kicked out of the gate.

A loud bang.

Qi Duojin was thrown to the ground by several big men with his hips down. The dull pain came. He felt that his bones were falling apart.

"Ouch... It hurts me..."

"It\'s good to come to our Baihua building to find a girl without money. You\'re just looking for death! You don\'t know what\'s good or bad. Let me see you next time and see that I won\'t let anyone break your leg!"

The procuress, who commanded the man to beat people, shook a WAN fan in her hand and cursed viciously at Qi Duojin on the ground.

Qi Duojin stood up with his butt covered and said with a depressed face, "didn\'t you say that you can enjoy different services at different prices? I just asked Miss Yanran to kiss me..."

Bitch, how dare you lie to him!

"I bah!" The procuress became angry. The fan pointed to him and scolded, "you don\'t look at how many copper coins you have. You still want to kiss our sweet girl. It\'s cheaper for you to touch your hands. Don\'t get away from me! If you don\'t get away, I\'ll let someone do it."

"No!" Qi Duojin wanted to cry without tears. He secretly said that the fourth younger brother was really not a thing. He cheated him. He was so angry!

This time, people didn\'t track it, and the dream of going to Baihua building for a ecstasy also came to naught.

"Aunt..." Qi Duojin wanted to say something sweetly.

The procuress immediately threw a dangerous look at him.

Qi Duojin quickly changed his mouth with a smile, "this eldest sister."

The procuress\'s face stretched a little.

Qi Duojin restrained his impulse to kick the procuress to death, and said with a good voice, "I sincerely came to your building to find a girl. Elder sister, you can give me a discount, let me kiss Yanran and leave after kissing. How about..."

Just now he had a hot fight with Miss Yanran in the house and was about to kiss. As a result, miss Yanran asked him for silver.

He said he kissed his mouth for twenty liang of silver at a time.

Just kiss once, kiss again next time, and ask for money.

Qi Duojin was not happy at that time.

It was agreed that different prices and different services.

Qi Duojin couldn\'t afford to pay, so she quit immediately.

No money, no kiss.

Qi Duojin had no choice but to take out more than a dozen copper coins he bought steamed stuffed buns.

He\'s still in pain.

At that time, the girl was so angry that she immediately went to find the procuress, and then there was qiduojin now.

"Want to kiss?" The procuress\'s mouth burst into a playful smile, "OK, give money first. The more money you give, the more you kiss. You can not only kiss, but also sleep."
