My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 469

The girl smiled and said, "don\'t worry, sir. I will serve you well..."

Qixingyun hooked up the corner of his mouth like a smile, and the essence was seen in his deep eyes.

Soon returned to the donkey cart.

"Let\'s go."

Chi Ziyu vaguely figured out something.


Qi Duojin ran all the way with the donkey cart.

People are tired and paralyzed. Why don\'t the fourth brother sell the rest!

What a nuisance!

Until I saw qixingyun passing through the Baihua building, I deliberately stopped to tease other girls.

Qi Duojin believed it and said to himself, "old four, old four, I can\'t see that you are such a person. You dare to take money to sleep with a woman all day and see that I don\'t complain to my mother when I go back..."

Thinking so, Qi Duojin was happy.

I can\'t help looking at the girl who just came into contact with Qi Xingyun.

The girl didn\'t know whether she had a heart or how to drop. She immediately entangled with his eyes.

Qiduo stared straight at her chest and breast and swallowed hard.

This woman is so beautiful

I don\'t know how much better than my two yellow faced women

If such a beautiful woman is slept by him, I don\'t know how comfortable it is... It\'s fascinating to think about it.

Qi Duojin was still wandering, and the girl\'s body was like a water snake. She couldn\'t push it away.

"Master, why are you staring at me all the time? People will be embarrassed." The girl patted him on the chest and complained.

Qiduojin wanted to push away the wanton woman, but he couldn\'t help holding her tighter.

I want to rub this water like woman into my body immediately!

"Girl, it\'s not good..." Qi Duojin tried to stabilize his mind, but he couldn\'t help touching up and down.

Even if I\'m not looking for a woman today, I have to eat tofu. I have to take advantage of it.

He came to follow Sifang today, but he saw that both Sifang and Sifang drove away with their carriages.

Qi Duojin was a little worried and sighed, but his body enjoyed it.

"Why not?"

Without saying a word, the girl approached Qi Duojin hotly.

Friction generates heat in front of the golden body.

Qi Duojin was salivating wildly. He wanted to lower his head immediately and bite hard.

It must be delicious

He rubbed the girl\'s waist hard, trying to refuse to welcome her, "let go of me, don\'t mess around in public..."

"Nonsense? Why am i fooling around? You\'re holding me this time."


After thinking for a while, Qi Duojin still clenched his teeth and loosened the man.

"When I have time to come back next time, I\'ll see if I won\'t scream at you next time." Qi Duojin smiled.

The girl smiled softly, "isn\'t it OK today? Why wait until next time?"

"Sir, I have something to do today."

Qi Duojin tried to restrain his dishonest hands. For fear that he couldn\'t help himself, he began to wipe off again.

But the hand can restrain, but the eye still can\'t control.

His eyes fell in front of the girl and wanted to stare out a hole. He never left.

"No, sir." The girl reluctantly said, "if you really like my family, come here today. I miss you." The girl looked pitiful and hummed.

Qi Duojin continued to swallow his saliva crazily, "said next time, I didn\'t bring enough silver this time."