My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 466

"Seeing is believing. Shopkeeper, you are well-informed. You must have seen the bird\'s nest. Are you still not sure it\'s a bird\'s nest?" Qi Xingyun asked.

Smelling the speech, shopkeeper Cao looked at Qi Xingyun again strangely.

"This is indeed a bird\'s nest. I don\'t know what you do, sir?"

"A farmer goes up the mountain to hunt occasionally. The shopkeeper doesn\'t have to doubt the origin of the bird\'s nest."

Shopkeeper Cao stroked his beard thoughtfully.

Bird\'s nest is a good thing to buy.


The bird\'s nest was taken out from the hands of two farmers. The more the shopkeeper thought about it, the more suspicious he felt.

Chi Ziyu said, "although my husband is a farmer, he is usually interested in medicinal materials. Today, the bird\'s nest was originally intended to be sold in the medicine shop.

I just suddenly thought that maybe your restaurant would want it, so I came to ask you, if you don\'t need it, it doesn\'t matter... "

"That\'s not true." Shopkeeper Cao hurriedly said, "madam, you misunderstood. It\'s a blessing for our restaurant to receive such a good thing as bird\'s nest. I just heard that bird\'s nest is difficult to harvest. I need to climb rocks and walls to harvest it in a very dangerous place..."

"The shopkeeper, do you think my husband can\'t climb the wall?" Late roe path.

Qixingyun has been running all over the mountain for so many years. You know the mountain as well as your family.


Shopkeeper Cao looked at Qi Xingyun. He had just sold so many prey and said he couldn\'t climb rocks and walls. It was absolutely impossible.

After thinking and thinking, shopkeeper Cao gritted his teeth and said, "I\'ll buy it."

"I don\'t know what kind of price the master and wife think is reasonable?"

In fact, shopkeeper Cao knows the general price of bird\'s nest.

People who do business in the end must have a general understanding of the price of all kinds of rare seafood.

Shopkeeper Cao mainly wants to see if the two people in front of him know the goods.

It\'s easy to say if he doesn\'t know the goods. Maybe he can make a sum of money from it.

Chi Ziyu looked hesitantly at Qixing cloud.

Qixingyun pondered a little and said, "these, 1500 Liang."

Shopkeeper Cao quickly searched the price of bird\'s nest in the market to compare whether the bird\'s nest is worth the price.

In fact, shopkeeper Cao was shocked again.

This bird\'s nest is almost the same as the current price on the market.

This time, shopkeeper Cao looked at Qi Xingyun strangely, "Sir, have you been in Beijing before?"

"When I was young, I followed my parents to make a living in other places, contacted some expensive families, and heard about the price of bird\'s nest." Qi Xingyun said.

"When I was young?" Shopkeeper Cao looked like a monster and said with a smile, "how many years have passed, and the price of bird\'s nest must have changed..."

Shopkeeper Cao wants to say: it\'s useless to carve a boat and seek a sword!

Qi Xingyun smiled calmly, "in the past, the market price of the white bird\'s nest was 400 Liang and the blood swallow was 800 Liang. The coin value of Beiye has increased over the years.

Even cabbage can rise from six Wen a kilo to eight Wen a kilo now, not to mention such a precious and rare thing as bird\'s nest, shopkeeper, you say so. "

Shopkeeper Cao was sweating like rain.

From more than ten years ago to now, from cabbage to bird\'s nest

Finally, the calculated price is exactly the same

God knows what unspeakable calculations are going on in the man\'s mind in front of him.

Rao Shichi Ziyu knows much more about qixingyun than others. He never expected qixingyun to be able to count this.