My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 456

No, even if they don\'t know the inside story, they have long regretted it.

Recently, they are in a hurry to raise money. The noise is a little loud, which has long aroused the dissatisfaction of Qijia.

This evening, Wang brought Guo Jinlian and them to find fault, which has been the breakthrough of the outbreak of dissatisfaction.

Chi Ziyu concluded that it was definitely not over.

Chi Ziyu was still wandering. Qixingyun bounced her forehead. "Go, wash your hands and eat. See what you\'ve been like. I haven\'t seen me pick herbs before."

Chi Ziyu smiled shyly, "Oh."

No way, who let the hidden qixingyun bring her different surprises every time.

They washed their hands with clean water and continued to come back for dinner.

"Try my fried shredded pork with green awn." Chi Ziyu couldn\'t wait to show his new dishes, "I researched it myself."

Qixingyun went to eat, "it\'s a little sour, but it\'s delicious with shredded meat."

"Isn\'t there still a lot of green awns in our family? I want to leave some for cooking and give them to my father together with loquat. We\'ll dry the rest."

"OK, listen to you."

"You don\'t blame me for being so cruel to shuipei every time."

"She asked for it. She didn\'t know to restrain herself and took our kindness for granted. What she thought was beautiful. If it were me, I wouldn\'t pay attention to her." The clouds are cold.

Chi Ziyu nodded reassuringly, "HMM."


Just after the meal, qijiabao came and called qixingyun to talk.

Chi Ziyu went to wash the bowl.

Go back to the house to read and wait for Qi Xingyun to come back.

Nebulae are dense and the night wind is rustling.

On the threshold of the courtyard, the two father and son sat side by side.

One was upright, while the other was already bent by heavy farming, with some rickets.

Qijiabao smoked his cigarette and puffed smoke one by one, but his face was full of melancholy.

"You\'ve had a hard time in our family these years." Qijiabao put down his cigarette gun, slowly spit out the smoke and said sadly.

Qixingyun sat quietly and looked ahead.

The look was hidden in the dark night and could not be seen clearly.

"Do you remember when you were a child?" Qijiabao suddenly asked him, "your mother and I go out early and return late every day. You do housework at home and take Peier.

At that time, you were a little higher than the stove, but you were like a little adult. You had to take care of not only your sister, but also the meals of me and your mother. You got up early and ate late like us. "

In the twinkling of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and time flies like water.

Qijiabao looks back now, but it looks like yesterday.

"You were really good and sensible when you were a child. Your mother and I don\'t know how much we like you." Qijiabao said, "you can manage things at home very well every time. Later, when you were older, you brought Peier to the store to help us with our work, which helped me a lot."

In fact, qijiabao was still very incompetent when he was young.

I\'ve been wandering outside for so many years, but I can only be an errand waiter and do chores.

Every month I do a very tired job. I get old day by day, but I still get a poor salary.

At that time, Wang helped large families wash clothes outside, according to the value and dirt of clothes.

Wang works quickly, washes clothes quickly, and washes the ground very clean. So he receives many lists.

Sometimes Wang earns more money than qijiabao.