My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 451

"Dad, Xingyun didn\'t do anything. He just went hunting. You see, there are prey on the ground." Chi Ziyu said hurriedly.

Qijiabao didn\'t think so much about anything else. He just looked at the prey on the ground and said, "it\'s OK. It\'s hard to find so many prey in spring. It\'s good to come back. You\'re also hard. Go back and take a bath, eat and go back to rest early."

Qi Xingyun nodded, "well, I see."

"Old lady, I have something to ask you. Come with me." Qijiabao said again.

Wang hated iron and stared at him. It was more than enough to accomplish something. He was so angry when he came to join in the fun at this time!

"The fourth master has been there for three days. Look how many prey he has brought back. He must have done something else." Wang angrily reminded me.

Qijiabao was stunned and thought about it in his heart. It seemed that there was really a little less.

So he asked Qi Xingyun curiously, "what else have you done besides hunting?"

"Picked some fruit." Chi Ziyu said with a smile, "Dad, would you like to try it? Xingyun brought some green awns, black rice and abducted dates."

"Black rice is good for making wine." Qijiabao subconsciously went to the road.

Chi Ziyu answered, "I\'ll make you a jar of black rice wine later and let you drink enough."

"Ah, that\'s not good. This is what old four brought back to you from the mountain. How can I be so greedy and rob you children of food..."

"It doesn\'t matter, Dad. You\'re so good. Xingyun and I want to be filial to you. You can\'t refuse our filial piety. I\'ll make black rice wine later and bring it to dad for you to drink." Late roe path.

When she said this, Wang\'s face turned black.

He is also an elder. As a mother-in-law, she deserves to be offended by her son and daughter-in-law. Qijiabao, as a father-in-law, directly enjoys it?

Wang was particularly upset. "Ghosts want your filial piety. Leave it to dogs. We don\'t want it."

Qijiabao suddenly changed his face.

How can this talk like shuipei? I don\'t know the division and combination at all.

"Old lady..." qijiabao just wanted to say a few words.

Wang interrupted with a cold look, "don\'t you have something to do with me? Tell me what you have!"

Qijiabao was embarrassed and winked, "you go back with me first. It\'s inconvenient here."

Wang angrily followed Qi Jiabao back to the house.

As a result, qijiabao was nervous for so long. Finally, he only secretly asked Wang, "where did you put my last changed clothes? I can\'t find it."

"..." Wang was speechless.

She thought it was a big deal. If she couldn\'t find a rag, she came to her. Do you want to make such a fuss!

If qijiabao hadn\'t disturbed her, Wang said she could have fought three hundred rounds with four rooms.

Qijiabao saw Wang\'s lips pursed and silent, so he was a little anxious, "you say, I\'m still in a hurry to take a bath..."

"I lost it to you!" Wang\'s molar said, "if you can\'t find a rag, you have to shout for a long time. If you can\'t find it, you won\'t find other clothes to wear. You have to come and ask me. You still think you\'re a child!"

Qijiabao was offended by Wang and didn\'t dare to talk.

But some were unwilling to say, "I can still wear this dress. Why do you think you lost it to me? It\'s a waste..."