My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 437

They talked about buying mountains.

"Do you really agree with me to buy mountains?" Chi Ziyu asked him.

"Of course I agree. Why not?"

Chi Ziyu sighed, "in fact, I don\'t know if I should regret today\'s decision. If we really plan to buy those mountains, I\'m afraid we need a lot of money."

If you have enough money at home, you don\'t have to worry about it.

But their family is still in its infancy. They use more money elsewhere and can\'t save money.

The pheasants raised at home and the sunflowers planted at home have not yet reached the time to bring profits.

Most sources of income are still fleshy, but it\'s not easy to take out such a large amount of money suddenly.

"I\'ll go to the mountain these days to see if I can get anything valuable and exchange it for money." Qixingyun road.

"Dig ginseng? Or Ganoderma lucidum?" Chi Ziyu is so strange.

If these rare things are easy to find, collecting money is a relatively light job.

But it is rare that is precious.

"If we are lucky enough to dig up that century old ginseng or Ganoderma lucidum, our efforts will be doubled with half the effort."

"But since you broke your leg in that avalanche, you haven\'t climbed the mountain again. Can you stand it?"

"Don\'t worry."

Although it was only an elaborate play, Chi Ziyu was afraid of the avalanche escape of qixingyun.

In such deep mountains and forests, even if there is no danger of avalanche, there are other things.

She has also been to Lingshan. That place really started in Taiyuan.

Deserted and towering ancient trees, walking alone in it, you will inevitably encounter some man eating beasts.

In fact, it\'s hard for Chi Ziyu to imagine how qixingyun survived these years.

Every big episode, he would go hunting so far away, especially after she married him.

Qi Xingyun not only hunts, but also finds time to collect medicine and sell money.

In fact, he has suffered a lot, which is very distressing.

His fingers are beautiful.

Slender, with clear knuckles.

But because he has been doing farm work all year round, a thick layer of cocoon has formed in the palm of his hand.

When he touched her cheek, Chi Ziyu would clearly notice the roughness.

He is tired, he works hard.

But he never brought his negative emotions to her. He gave her only stability and dependence.

He is now all she depends on for her hard life.

So she wants to be good to him, especially good, but sometimes she feels that her good is less than half of what he paid.

"I want to go with you, okay?" Chi Ziyu asked him.

In fact, he had no hope in his heart, because he would never rather bear it alone than suffer with her.

Sure enough, Qi Xingyun shook his head seriously, "not good."

Chi Ziyu said, "well, I\'ll wait for you at home."



The next morning, Qi Xingyun packed his bags again and went up the mountain.

Chi Ziyu spread him some egg cakes, some flour cakes and preserved meat.

These are enough for him to eat on the road.

The Qi family didn\'t know that Qi Xingyun would go to the mountain today. They didn\'t realize that Qi Xingyun had gone to the mountain until they saw him leave with a bow and arrow.

Qiduodi came over with concern and expressed condolences to Chi Ziyu about qixingyun\'s going to the mountain.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t dare to reveal too much. He just said that there was no work at home recently. Qixingyun was busy, so he planned to go to the mountains.