My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 414

"But hurry up. I ran out with you hungry and sleepy. I heard that shuipei you have two boxes of pastry. I\'ll share some with me later..."

"Get out!"

"..." Qi Duojin was stunned by the bluff, and then smiled and said, "girls, don\'t be so fierce. No boys will like it at that time."

"I want you to take care of it! Hum!"

Qi shuipei strode ahead.

Only qiduojin and qiduodi are left side by side.

Qiduodi is a stuffy gourd. Qiduojin has nothing to do with him. "Brother, you are so nice. Why don\'t you catch a frog?"

"I have to go to the ground tomorrow." Qiduodi said seriously, "don\'t think about eating and doing more things all day. My mother will cook delicious food for us when she is happy."

"Brother, I\'m afraid you haven\'t woke up in your dream. Just our mother\'s virtue. If there are good things, you\'d rather break down than have our share."


"I\'m really lucky today. I\'m afraid there are more than 20 pheasants in this sack. You can eat several meals." The two returned with a full load. Chi Ziyu walked in the front road with a lamp.

The ridge is too narrow to be crossed by one person.

Qi Xingyun walked behind with a sack.

The fields were silent and empty.

Chi Ziyu\'s voice was not big, but when she said it, it was clear and loud, as if there was only her voice in the pure world.

"Have you figured out how to eat pheasants?" Qi Xingyun asked her.

Chi Ziyu broke his fingers and counted, "the first meal is fried, the second is boiled, the third is fried, the fourth is spicy, and the fifth is spicy..."

"We have to catch some more tomorrow, or it won\'t be enough for you to eat alone."

"That\'s enough. We should eat pheasants in moderation. Otherwise, according to your accurate method, the pheasants in our village may become extinct." Chi Ziyu said with a smile, "I still think I can eat it every year in the future."

Qixingyun chuckled, "there\'s no exaggeration."

Chi Ziyu\'s tone was full of admiration. "It\'s really so exaggerated. Look at you. One by one, if I were a frog, I\'d run quickly when I saw you coming."

Qi Xingyun immediately made a ferocious look and rushed up to frighten her, "the great demon king is coming to catch the pheasant. You should run..."

Chi Ziyu was surprised at first, and then cooperated with him in acting. He took a step under his feet and ran forward with a laugh.

"Come on, chase me... You can\'t catch me..."

Qixingyun slowed down the pace of catching up and didn\'t dare to really chase her, "watch your feet."

"I see!"

"If you fall into the field later, I\'ll put you and the frog in my sack."

"Don\'t... the sack is too small..."

With that, Chi Ziyu accidentally stepped into the air. Fortunately, she was stable and timely and avoided a disaster.

Qixingyun was frightened by her and hurriedly said, "OK, don\'t run, don\'t really fall down."


Chi Ziyu decided to walk along the ridge in good order.

The evening wind gently blows on the body, and the clothes float up, which is very comfortable.

Seeing that summer is coming, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. It\'s nothing to wear thinner at night, but it\'s very cool.

"Tomorrow I\'ll go to the mountain to collect bees." Qixingyun suddenly said.

"Can I go?"

Qi Xingyun refused in good faith, "no, I don\'t want to see you become a pig."

Chi Ziyu thought it was the same. Her family bought an anti bee suit. She went there barehanded. No doubt she was bitten into a pig\'s head.

"Well, I\'ll pinch the flowers tomorrow." Late roe path.