My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 408

At a glance, it was all soup.

Anyway, it\'s more eye-catching than Guo Jinlian\'s way of making dishes into Baba.

But it\'s much better than Guo Jinlian.

So Guo Jinlian exclaimed, "Mom, shuipei is really powerful. This is her first time cooking. Look at this dish. It\'s green. It\'s really beautiful and must be delicious."

"I\'m smarter than you, and cooking is definitely better than you fools." Qishuipei replied proudly.

Guo Jinlian was not angry. "I know you\'re smart. I\'ll have a good taste of your dishes later."


Chi Ziyu peeled some cabbage leaves, cut some shredded meat and mushrooms, which are used as ingredients for fried rice noodles.

When the preparations are finished, it\'s fried rice noodles.

The fried rice noodles with some dried chili peppers are very fragrant.

The kitchen was smoky.

The fried and spicy fragrance of rice noodles overflowed, floating out of the eaves and green tiles and into the bamboo forest for a long time.

However, the spicy taste stimulated some, and the Chi Zi fish themselves were choked and sneezed several times.

The fried rice noodles are really delicious, and the fried rice noodles are full.

At this time, the people in the main room were listlessly eating dinner one by one.

It\'s just coarse grain rice with white flowers. It\'s dry and not chewy.

For those beautiful vegetarian dishes on the table, few people are willing to stretch out their chopsticks.

In order to pursue the original color of these vegetables, qishuipei added some water to cook without soy sauce.

I\'m afraid that the color of the dishes will not look good after cooking for a long time. Don\'t be like Guo Jinlian. They will be boiled into a lump of Baba at that time.

So the dishes were not cooked, so qishuipei picked them up.

At the beginning, when the food was served, everyone argued with me to grab it. After chewing it twice, everyone looked wrinkled and wanted to spit it out immediately to gargle.

As a result, Wang\'s eyes swept over and everyone swallowed it silently.

But half cooked and tasteless vegetables are really terrible!

The dishes are not delicious. I don\'t want to vomit. I still don\'t want to put forward suggestions for improvement.

If you deceive yourself, don\'t take it with you.

The big guy was flustered.

Qi shuipei can\'t eat his own dishes, but he can\'t smash his own field.

No matter how bad the dish is, even if it is made into pig food, she has to swallow it.

Not only do they have to swallow, others can\'t help but give face.

Qi shuipei said, "big brother and second brother, why don\'t you eat vegetables? I\'ve worked hard to cook these dishes. If I don\'t eat them today, they will break down tomorrow..."

Qiduodi reluctantly smiled and sandwiched a crisp Western blue flower, "I\'ll try it again."

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, you also eat!"

"And Yao Yao, how can you eat tea and make rice? My sister-in-law, the soup for cooking is better than tea now. Come on, my sister-in-law, pour you some soup."

Qishuipei enthusiastically poured soup into the bowl where Qiyao tea made rice.

Tea and soup are mixed, and oil flowers float.

Qiyao frowned and muttered, "aunt..."

She doesn\'t want vegetable soup.

She just got a few peas mixed up, and they\'re killing her

"What\'s the matter? Your aunt poured you soup and served you. You\'re not happy!" Qi shuipei is very angry. He still pours the soup strongly in his hand.

Chen Xianglan couldn\'t stop it. Seeing that qishuipei filled the bowl with soup, Chen Xiang said, "don\'t pour it, it\'s all full."

When Qi shuipei saw this, he stopped and turned to Chen Xiang.