My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 254

"I know, Dad." Qiduodi road.

"Old four looks like this. I\'m afraid I can\'t get down to the ground in the future..." qijiabao sighed.

Qi Duojin didn\'t like it. "Dad, isn\'t that fourth brother a loser waiting to die? It\'s unfair for us to keep him alive and tired!"

"When the old four legs didn\'t break, wasn\'t it that he was tired and tired to raise our whole family." Qijiabao said coldly.

Just because qijiabao doesn\'t say these things doesn\'t mean he doesn\'t remember.

Some people\'s are not suitable to say it, but if you really want to remember it, you can remember it for a long time.

Qijiabao knows exactly who these sons are.

"That won\'t work, Dad." Qi Duojin continued, "I don\'t have the ability of my fourth brother. At least I\'m also a worker. I\'m not useless waste and won\'t drag you down. But since there are no fourth brother at home, I can\'t do a lot of work he does..."

"What do you say you want?"

"I just don\'t know... You see, there are so many people in our family to support, but only my eldest brother and you work. How can we carry it in the future?"

Qijiabao\'s voice was slightly heavy: "if you can\'t carry it, you have to carry it."

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Guo Jinlian also said, "the fourth is an indomitable man. Now we have to pay to support him. If we go on like him, our family will be dragged down by him."

"That\'s right. It\'s not good enough to work at home without the fourth brother. There needs to be one more person to support them. Dad, you\'re going to force us all to a dead end..." Wang Yinger agreed angrily.

"My fourth brother didn\'t support so many of you at the beginning. Why can\'t you support him?" Qishuipei retorted.

"This... Can this be the same?" Wang Yinger said.

"How different."

"It must be different." Guo Jinlian said quietly, "shuipei, you don\'t have to work in the field. You don\'t even have to wash the dishes. You say you want to raise it. It\'s not all the rest of us. You just use your mouth. It doesn\'t need strength. Who can\'t move? Really..."

Qi shuipei was angry, "second sister-in-law, how did you talk!"

"When I\'m not ready, I\'ll just remind you not to interrupt if you don\'t have to support your family."

"Well, well, don\'t argue." Qijiabao interrupted, "in the future, all of you will take care of the old four..."

"Take care of what." Wang suddenly came to complain and said, "the old four, a big man, wants everyone to raise him. It\'s not embarrassing to say it!"

Qijiabao was speechless. "Our family doesn\'t raise it. Who do you say?"

Wang turned his eyes for a while. "In my opinion, let\'s divide the old four and his wife out and go alone, otherwise our family will have no way to make money in the future, and we have to add a drag. How troublesome..."

"Thanks to you, you can say that!" Qijiabao scolded her angrily.

Wang Shi was full of innocence. "Why can\'t you say it? Now that the fourth is like this, how can we raise him? Don\'t you think Peier will marry next year. The dowry is not ready yet. The third is also going to take the Chunwei exam. I can\'t leave money to help him

And the two daughters-in-law of the second family, who will be born almost next summer... You say that our family doesn\'t need money. The fourth not only can\'t make money, but also spends our money instead. Don\'t let him share it out for himself. Do you want to drag us down! "