My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 199

Near the end of the year, Qijia\'s fish business is looking better and better.

People come to buy fish every three or five times. After all, it\'s hard to bring fish back from the town.

It\'s a long way. Maybe the fish will die of thirst on the way. It\'s more convenient to buy nearby. Anyway, the price of fish in Qijia is the same as that in town.

When qixingyun fished, he fished out a big turtle.

"You can stew turtle soup tonight!" Chi Ziyu stood watching and said excitedly.

Qixingyun threw the turtle into the bamboo basket, dressed the five fish the guest asked for with palm leaves, and waited for him to go ashore.

Give the fish to the guest and weigh it.

Qi Xingyun carried a bamboo basket and fishing net in one hand and pulled Chi Ziyu to go in the other.

"Dad, let\'s go back first." Chi Yudao.

Qijiabao nodded, "OK, you go back."

The guest looked at the back of Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun when they left. He looked back and said thoughtfully, "your fourth son looks very good. He is really spoiled for his daughter-in-law..."

Qijiabao smiled bitterly.

"It\'s very good. It\'s better for his daughter-in-law than us parents."

"It seems that your family can have more grandchildren next year, ha ha..."

Qijiabao smiled without expression.

Chi Ziyu is particularly interested in the turtle unexpectedly harvested today. He can\'t help but lean over to inquire about the turtle in the bamboo basket.

The turtle has been climbing and crawling persistently inside. Halfway through the climb, qixingyun pulled it back.

Chi Ziyu looked at the ground and was ready to move. He also wanted to reach out and touch it. He was stopped by qixingyun. "Don\'t move, be careful to be bitten."

Chi Ziyu is really a little afraid of the turtle bite, and he doesn\'t dare to touch it. However, he is very happy to see the turtle clumsy.

"Oh! This is not a little fish."

Aunt Hua came face to face.

Chi Ziyu said secretly that it\'s bad. I haven\'t seen aunt Hua for so long. I didn\'t expect to see her again today.

The last time we met was when she and Qi Xingyun were misunderstood in the pond.

Aunt Hua looked at Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun with slippery eyes, and said with a thief in her eyes, "it\'s only a long time since I saw you. Look at you two husband and wife, they are also pulling and pulling in the daytime, and they are not afraid of being ashamed and flustered."

Then he came over and looked at the basket of Xingyun. "It\'s not a turtle. You fished it from the fish pond today? It\'s a good harvest."

"OK." Late roe path.

Aunt Hua looked up and down at Chi Ziyu again. "I heard that you are having a good time with old four now, little fish. The couple love each other. You said that if I hadn\'t been the matchmaker who kindly set you up, I wouldn\'t know who the other half of you was."

Chi Ziyu has a sneer in his heart.

Well meaning? It was just a mistake.

Now go back and think about it. Chi Ziyu really doesn\'t hate aunt Hua.

After all, if it hadn\'t been for her, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun wouldn\'t have come together at all, let alone get along with each other as they are now.

"I\'m looking at you, little fish. You look more and more ruddy recently. I have to ask your parents for credit later. You said that if it weren\'t for me, you wouldn\'t find a man like Qi Laosi with a lantern..."

The word "good".

Aunt Hua said it against conscience.

Like everyone\'s point of view, because Chi Xingyun is only a good object, we don\'t believe in the change of Qi Xingyun.