My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 197

Chi Ziyu suddenly had a beautiful idea, "can we open a small meat shop to sell meat in the future?"

"Yes. If you like, we can plant other flowers and plants. They are beautiful and can sell money."

Chi Ziyu thought it was a good idea. "I\'ve decided. I want to grow more meat!"

So on the next trip to the market.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun sold out some herbs they had collected and went to the flower shop to buy some meat.

There are all kinds of shapes. Some grow implicitly, while others show their teeth and claws, and the leaves are piled up in clusters. It looks very pleasant.

Buying more meat and planting it has undoubtedly caused a storm at home.

Opposition was heard one after another.

The more Wang looked at the old four, the more unpleasant they became.

Qi Xingyun makes tables and cabinets. She hates wasting time and wood.

Chi Ziyu buys more meat. She doesn\'t think it\'s useful. When she dies, she wastes money.

But the problem is that Chi Ziyu never asked Wang for money at all, so Wang was particularly depressed.

Wang always wondered how qixingyun made money. He didn\'t see how he made a lot of money. He was so quiet that he planted flowers and plants with so much spare money.

And every time he came back from the market, qixingyun\'s bamboo basket was always full of a pile of things. Wang couldn\'t open it in front of qixingyun, so he had to swallow it.

Qiduojin also envies qixingyun couple\'s natural and unrestrained life. He doesn\'t know where he got the silver.

Qi Duojin also wants to get some spare money to go out for a drink or something. In short, it\'s good to have some savings.

Qiduojin dared to ask qixingyun the way to get rich, and qixingyun said a word back to him.

"Get out."

Qi Duojin wiped his sweat, but he still walked away in dismay.

But the curiosity in my heart has been lingering, so I like to come to Xingyun house every three or five times to listen to the corner.

It\'s really disgusting.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t find him sneaky at first. One day, she waited on the meat she had just planted under the eaves of her house, and noticed something moving in the nearby trees.

Chi Ziyu thought, picked up the bamboo broom, rushed to the grass with hidden eyes, and then Qi Duojin ran out with a roar.

"What are you doing, sister-in-law?"

Chi Ziyu smiled shyly, "I think there are wild animals in it. I didn\'t expect it to be you, second brother. What are you doing hiding there?"

Qiduojin\'s forehead was hit with a big bag and his face was bent.

"I didn\'t do anything. I... it\'s convenient for me to be there. The third man occupied the toilet." Qiduojin machine spirit path.

Even if it may not be so, Chi Ziyu still covered his nose with disgust, "second brother, you..."

Don\'t be so disgusting!

Qi Duojin smiled, "younger sister, look at the big bag on my forehead. I\'m really wronged. You have to bring me your medicinal wine to wipe it."

Chi Ziyu turned back, "all right."

Qiduojin followed the trend. As usual, qixingyun built a cabinet at home. He couldn\'t get close to it. Today, qixingyun just went to the ground.

It\'s easier to deal with a woman at home. Qi Duojin thinks.

"This is medicinal wine and cotton." Chi Ziyu rummaged in the cabinet for a while and found out how to give Qi Duojin.

Standing at the door, Qi Duojin looked at the room and exclaimed, "sister-in-law, since you changed a new table and bed, the room has changed a lot! Let the fourth brother change it for me one day."