My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 065

Qi\'s own family, except Qi Xingyun\'s unfilial behavior, Wang\'s family is very relieved.

Chen Xiang and Guo Jinlian both obediently took up the conversation and said they must listen to their mother.

Qi shuipei said, "Mom, since we all hate Chi Ziyu so much, we might as well rest Chi Ziyu for the fourth brother and see how proud she can be as an abandoned woman who has been driven back to her mother\'s house!"

Wang shook his head thoughtfully. "It\'s not that easy. Your fourth brother is obsessed now. He doesn\'t even pay attention to me as a mother. He must be reluctant to leave her."

"If you want me to say, it\'s really not good. Let the old four go out alone. We\'ve also fallen clean..." qiduodi said.

As soon as he spoke, a group of people immediately changed their faces and objected.

"Elder brother, don\'t be so nice. Who will do so much work at home after the fourth son leaves?" Qiduojin first refuted excitedly.

It\'s impossible for him to agree to the separation of four rooms.

Qixingyun has always been a good worker at home. He propped up half the sky of Qijia alone.

If he is separated, the habitat must not fall in half.

Qi Duojin\'s self reflection is that he is lazy.

There is a hardworking and capable man who carries the beam at home. Why not.

"Yes, the fourth brother will hunt and make money. If he\'s gone, who will earn me money to buy clothes and Rouge!" Qishuipei road.

She can\'t agree.

Qixingyun constitutes a large part of the income source of Qijia. Without him, Qijia will only be more embarrassed.

People do one job, he does three, and he never asks for anything in return.

Who doesn\'t want to stay at home with such a hard-working and profitable donkey.

"Shuxiu, the third of us, buys books in the city every time and buys oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar at home... It\'s the fourth who makes money from hunting.

The fourth is better at work than all of you. Unfortunately, he is eccentric! " Wang hates iron and cannot become a steel road.

If she hadn\'t been satisfied with the old four\'s ability, she wouldn\'t have kept him in Haiti.

Qi duocai heard Wang\'s words and thought it was true.

It has to be said that qixingyun has contributed a lot to Qijia.

Qixing family takes Qixing cloud\'s efforts for granted.

As long as he stays at home for a day, everyone will try to squeeze him for a day.

Qixing cloud has always been a very strange existence in Qijia.

They are reluctant to let the man covered with treasure leave, which will violate their interests

Therefore, the starting point of the problem is the late fish.

"Why don\'t we marry a clever daughter-in-law for old four?" Qi duocai proposed.

Among the great men he has seen, that is, those great men, who are not three wives and four concubines.

There are more women around men, so they don\'t have so much mind to protect the calf.

Qi Duojin was very envious. "That\'s a good way! There are two daughters-in-law on the hot Kang. I\'ll die laughing if I change! Ouch..."

Guo Jinlian gritted her teeth and pinched his arm.

Qi Duojin glanced at her, "you\'re dead, smelly woman!"

Guo Jinlian looked like death at home. "If you dare to marry, I won\'t finish with you..."

"All right, all right, shut up." Wang interrupted impatiently.

Her focus today is the fourth. She doesn\'t want to care about the rest for the time being.

"The third is a good way. As long as the fourth\'s mind is not on the woman, I can compete with her as I want.

I\'ll ask my old sisters in two days to see if they have a suitable girl\'s introduction. "